rangers are MUCH cheaper than tacos, but they are ford afterall. and i may get flamed for this, but older ford trucks are garbage. especially rangers from what ive seen.
guys, i found this truck decently close to me. it's listed above KBB value so i know i can talk him down. i figure i can use the few dents i can see as well as the fact that it has no 2' reciever to my advantage to get the price even lower. http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=87077395&listingRecNum=5&criteria=prMx%3D10000%26sf1Dir%3DDESC%26prMn%3D0%26mkId%3D20088%26stkTyp%3DU%26mdId%3D22250%26rd%3D100%26crSrtFlds%3DstkTypId-feedSegId-mkId-mdId-pseudoPrice%26zc%3D44333%26rn%3D0%26PMmt%3D1-1-0%26stkTypId%3D28881%26sf2Dir%3DASC%26sf1Nm%3Dprice%26sf2Nm%3Dmiles%26isDealerGrouping%3Dfalse%26rpp%3D50%26feedSegId%3D28705&aff=national&listType=1
looking around for the last few days leaves me to believe a ford ranger might be my best bet. small, decent mpg, and has plenty of towing capacity for my trailer. plus it has a bed so i can put my generator and all the gear back there easily.
So you're okay then? no injuries? I talked to you at beaver last weekend about your wrist injury last year and how bad that was. i felt really bad that you got hurt again (if you did get hurt). either way, glad you're ok. and i do feel bad for the kid. his leg looked pretty bad
I am looking at buying a used vehicle to tow my trailer for trackday and races. It is a 5x9 tractor supply co trailer that hauls two bikes. Total weight with genny is about 1600lbs. Anyone have any advice for a vehicle that wont break ny bank with gas usage when im not towing and can handle my tow load without struggling?
thanks fellas. ill just do the race school saturday and see how i feel if i want to race or not and talk to todd accordingly at the end of the day and get it figured out.
I am thinking of signing up for the races sunday and have a few questions... i already signed up for the trackday saturday and i remember hearing that i can get a discount for signing up for the trackday saturday and the races sunday? i am taking the race school saturday so maybe i should just sign up at the track with todd and work out the discount? how much of a discount is it anyway?
Well I just ordered a bluetooth GPS receiver so we will see how that goes. The app is actually MUCH more awesome than I thought. With a solid GPS signal, it will show you your lines via google maps and it will tell you where you brake and accelerate as well as tell you your speed through each corner/section of track for each lap!