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Al Z. Heimer

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Everything posted by Al Z. Heimer

  1. You guys need to quit picken on Holly.......I got your back girl. Props to your dedication:bow:. I hope it pays off for you one day.
  2. Dude........This needs work.Co Rd 54 & 53 sucks.Ok on a duel sport. Will beat your balls to powder on a sport bike.Unless it has been repaved.Which I doubt.
  3. Hey! How did I get on the ballot:confused:
  4. +1 on the miles thing. Ya __ My mommy says i'm only aloud to have 2 pistons in my engine till I get a little older .. ........but i'm gettin tired of being pushed around:mad:. Maybe i'll just get me some chrome wheels and start stuntin--------Yo! Link I think if me and you spent alot of time in the sand box,I would probably pick up some bad habits.
  5. Some younger individual on this site referred to me as the elderly gentleman. So I figured I needed to come up with an appropriate screen name. Kids 😁
  6. First get some chalk and layout trailer floor size on driveway. Get said vehicles and see what goes were. Then you can figure out tie down stuff.
  7. ^^^^ You mean today 4-25 don't you?
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexington,_North_Carolina I would pick Lexington as one of my top picks.............Longer riding season without the crazy heat and humidity of the deep south. Close enough to big cities but still small town.Just a couple hours to the coast or mountains.A big plus is that I could eat BBQ everyday for over a month and never at the same place......Win-Win.Ride to eat. http://maps.google.com/maps?rlz=1T4GGHP_enUS422US438&q=lexington+nc&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x885399adb8aad67f:0x6fea0a9c3aa73b04,Lexington,+NC&gl=us&ei=5zCUT7T0KZKE8QS979SoBA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=2&ved=0CDcQ8gEwAQ
  9. http://www.weather.com/weather/alerts/localalerts/44481?phenomena=WS&significance=A&areaid=OHZ023&office=KCLE&etn=0001 I can't believe this.
  10. http://m.phys.org/news/2012-04-hundreds-thousands-internet-july.html. Just read about this in the local paper.
  11. Thanks for a good time Doc.It was a good day for a ride...till the bugs came out.Looking forward to next time.
  12. No I don't. I just got lucky. Next time I'm bringing the Super Hawk so I can keep up. I am also ashamed of myself. I don't think that I have ever killed so many bugs in a 45 minute period in my entire life.
  13. Nice one Doc! Was a nice day for a ride.
  14. 20MPH is basically nothing to worry about. Actually will be a good training aid for you. What all these guys said is true----that you lean into the wind. What you should know is you don't try and lean the bike---you countersteer and the bike will lean automatically. Hence the stronger the wind--the more countersteer--the more lean. Remember what I told you--work on your countersteering and finally it will be second nature. Now wind gusts are another animal. A quick countersteer is needed to stay in your lane. Try to do by just leaning----------------Ditch City.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhRPLgH6uZg What you need to do is perform a voltage drop test to test your starting circuit. Like the video says,you have to start with a known good battery.Just remember----the test alone at pos. term. on battery involves 4 tests----lug on battery for base voltage,fastener,eyelet on cable and cable itself. do this at every connection. When finished,do the same test on the neg. side. hope this helps. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV5wdGtP34o Some good info on this vid also.
  16. http://www.virtualweberbullet.com/ Lots and lots of Bullet info here.
  17. Al Z. Heimer


    http://gearchic.com/ Welcome! Try surfing this site for gear info...It may help!
  18. Senseless. RIP. Prayers to the family.
  19. Happy Easter Guys and Gals. Hope you all have a great day.
  20. I'm sure that will suffice 🍻. Couple pints should do mate. $hit bummer about fairing. Hope you get it sorted soon. Need to join us. We all got a pretty good work out Sat.
  21. I use to have the same problem>>>>>>>>>>>>after I went thru menopause the cramps went away. Until then............More fiber.
  22. All in....All done. Home safe. Time to debug. Nice meeting new peeps.Hope all had a good ride. I had a good time. Doc.....When Pauly sees that tire,he is gonna spank you.
  23. Keep the cajolies warm so they rattle and you won't think you need a valve adjustment
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