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About just_some_dude

  • Birthday 05/20/1982

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  • Location
    Central Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    2001 Buell Blast
    2009 Buell 1125CR

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  1. Let me know when everyone decides it is time to walk the walk.
  2. I ended up running to Iron Pony this morning since I live right around the corner. I was able to find a youth helmet, and women's jacket and gloves for the kids. The jacket and gloves are a bit large, but they'll be able to grow into it. I bought fairly cheap stuff on clearance. I got the helmet, jacket and gloves for just under $100. I'd like to go back with the taller kid to see if I can fit her into some offroad dirtbike over pant with pads since they seem to have youth sizes. As for boots, I'll try to find an alternative since they both have different shoe sizes. Fortunately, right now, they both have the same head size, so they helmet is a solid fit.
  3. Yeah, I agree on the helmet. It is more of a visual thing, so I don't get glares from neighbors more than anything else. That is a good idea on the bicycle helmet. I plan to take them on some 45-55 mph roads, but don't want to do that until I properly gear them up.
  4. I have a couple kids that are showing a lot more interest in hopping on the bike with me. I've taken them around the neighbor around 25 mph with my helmet on just for fun. I won't take them out further than that without gear. Wanted to reach out for tips and advice on buying gear for the little ones. Gear can get expensive and these kids grow quick. Any thoughts from your own experience on gearing these kids up? Also, should I just buy everything for them used? One kid is 11 the other is 8 if that matters.
  5. On the lookout for a P226 tacops with threaded barrel. If you or anybody you know is looking to sell one I'll be here :)... unless they want to price gouge, then I'm not interested.
  6. Do they have any sleds to out the rifles in or is that something I would have to obtain?
  7. Anybody know a place I can go to sight a rifle in central ohio and has the appropriate equipment? I have a 308 and I don't think this thing was ever sighted properly.
  8. Disclaimer: I'm not putting any beliefs out here, just wanting to know your thoughts... Cohen was Trumps attorney, hired to provide legal counsel, etc. I don't know how all this works, but if I went to my attorney and asked him to do something illegal (not knowing it was illegal) and they didn't tell me it was illegal and did it, am I at fault? I'm just trying to figure out how this could play out regarding the relationship between an attorney and client. I'm not saying Trump knew or didn't know something was illegal, just playing the scenario.
  9. I imagine a few of you had heard that there were a few fatal accidents this morning. Always sad news to hear. One of those accidents from my understanding involved a motorcyclist. They are reporting in the Columbus Dispatch that the motorcyclist switched lanes and hit the back of a CRV. They are stating the motorcyclist had a helmet on. I'm unsure if they clipped the back of the CRV or slammed into the back of it. http://www.dispatch.com/news/20180614/second-fatal-crash-involving-motorcycle-reported-on-northside If you know this person, sorry for your loss.
  10. Thanks all! I did end up running a 1/4" round over bit on both sides across a test piece and it worked out okay after sanding. Wasn't very even, but that could just be me. I jokingly convinced a friend of mine to order a 3/4" bullnose cutter for his shaper. After that, the wife decided she wanted the shelf to be straight. Awkward... I'm going to pay him for the cutter ;).
  11. I was thinking of using a round over bit, but wouldn't 1/4" be too small? And once I do one side, not having a table, will I have any issues with not having a fence to keep the router from digging in too far after the first cut? Where would the bearing sit?
  12. I need to route an edge on a 3/4" plywood shelf. I was wanting to make it bullnose, but the router I have is 1/4" shank. I also don't have a router table. What options do I have to pull this off?
  13. Yeah, totally a civil war waiting to happen
  14. https://www.facebook.com/dfrisiello This is the guy suspected of sending white powder to Trump Jr. etc. His profile is visible and public right now and trolls are eating it up.
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