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Posts posted by just_some_dude

  1. Woah! Attempted murder is a pretty harsh charge for a 10mph roadblock, but if they do it intentionally I guess they deserve it.

    It is not so much that the person who opened the door that is potentially the attempted murderer, but they are the ones who caused the fallen motorcyclist to get off the ground and attempt to murder the driver.


    But, really I have no problem with attempted murder being charged for intentially opening a door to take down a motorcycle. Even if I didn't ride a bike I would think it would make sense.

  2. I cant find info. anywhere unless I am completely overlooking it. Anyone know what the throttle body casting numbers mean? More specifically, TBM-12 1068.

    I am looking for a single throttle body to put on my bike and I am using an XL/XB head. Just need to find a throttle body to fit. The one I listed above is on eBay, but the seller isn't sure what model it came off of.

  3. If you write or call you need to make it a safety issue. You need to stress that it is more safe more MC's if we lane split...so we dont get rear ended in the accordion of traffic. I am no expert on this subject, but the cops in California will actually yell at you if you DON'T lane split in traffic because they view you sitting there as more dangerous.

    What he said :)...

    And maybe use lane sharing instead of lane skipping.

    Oregon did a large amount of research on this, California has been doing this successfully for years, it is done successfully around the world. You are less likely to die... multiple reasons it should be passed.

  4. How about everyone, right now, pick up their cell phone and call their state rep, or email them. Tell them you want lane sharing.

    And if the State Rep wants to get in touch with the DOT, tell them not to waste their time. The DOT answer to the state rep I contacted sounded as if it came out of the movie idiocracy.

    There is enough research out there to support lane sharing in Ohio. If anyone is interested, I have some reading material/research in this regard.

    Just get up and contact them, or nothing will ever happen. Because they aren't reading this thread.

  5. I didn't go, but heard that it sucked. Friend reported that he had to wait 2-3 hours in between each run. He also said that they would let the muscle cars, dragsters, etc. go over and over again while he waited in line.

    He said half the day they could do anything beyond 1/8 mile because they sealed the track prior to racing, so the last part was still wet.

    Sounds like a money dump to me. I do not think I will go to the next one based on his experience.

  6. I have the spring off, taken the gas chamber apart, drained all of the oil, but I am having a heck of a time getting the end shield off. Just was wanting to get some advice.

    They suggest you take a punch and try to pop it out, but my is just getting damaged and I don't really have any leverage anymore.

    I'll get a pic soon, but here is a similar shock, so you can see what I am talking about... there area where the punch is.


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