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Posts posted by just_some_dude

  1. I have a SuperTrapp with a new core in it, but I am going to cut the SuperTrapp in half and use both halves. So, I need to get another core to mount the discs on. I guess I could always make one, but thought it'd be easier to just get the parts.

    I imagine it doesn't matter if it is for a dirt bike or not... as long as it can mount 4" discs, etc.

  2. I would not send them back unless he told me in writing he was going to pay me all of my money back. I say just try to get some money back from him and take a small hit as a 'stupid fee'. I've had plenty of stupid fees in my life and I'm not even that old...

    If they are really that bad and he is refusing to work with you, just tell him you are going to take him to small claims with evidence showing that any reasonable person would not call the product like new. If he still refuses, take him to small claims and have him pay for all the fees on top of what your requesting back from him.

  3. I'm wondering how many sons and daughters are going to be without Christmas toys this year...

    Father: Little Billy, Sweet Sally, daddy did something nice this year and donated all of your toys to charity. You should be happy that you helped so many people this year, I know I am!

  4. For those interested, I suggest you check out laneshare.org and contact your state representative, or state agent if you want to legalize lane sharing.

    ... Out of my experience, avoid ODOT, they were worthless when the state rep I was working with reached out for "advice". ODOT said something along the lines of 'we can't do it because cars will want to do it too. Therefore it is too dangerous'. Pretty bad argument, especially when I questioned what they based their research off of, which was nothing. Sounds more like a blank statement to me. They did absolutely no research.

    All it takes is an email (at least to start ;)). Provide them with the documents I posted above. They are good reads, by the way.

  5. Then I guess we should just get rid of bikes altogether, if the bikers are that bad. Nobody is being forced to lane share. If you don't want to do it, don't do it.

    I was thinking that, if there was a possibility for the law to be passed, but needed some negotiation, I'd be willing to say motorcyclists have to have been riding for at least a year before lane sharing.

    The Britain argument... I don't think it is that strong. Considering that in Cali they currently lane share. If anything, I'd say that Britain shows that people can learn to lane share.




  6. Ohio doesn't have a "lane-splitting" law per se, but it does state that a motor vehicle must occupy one lane. A motorcycle being a "motor vehicle" would only be permitted to occupy one lane. Lane splitting, by definition would mean that you are either occupying two lanes, or no lane, depending on your point of view.

    I remember speaking with an attorney about this and if I recall correctly they said something similar (only one vehicle may occupy a lane at one time). Although, I was just scanning through the laws and I couldn't find that reference. Do you by chance know where it is at?

    I thought I even remember reading it myself, but for some reason, I'm not finding it...

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