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Posts posted by just_some_dude

  1. I wonder what the percentage difference is between bike extreme speeders/total bikers and car extreme speeders/total cars.

    I'm not saying what he did was right or wrong (more wrong then right, legally), but just curious if a car would get this much attention. It's not hard for a motorcycle to 'weave in and out of traffic'. They obviously accelerate significantly faster than your average car.

    I guess I haven't seen a video to see how dangerous he really was. At the same time, someone who drives 55 mph on the highway and 25 mph in a 35 mph zone will think 66 mph on the highway is dangerous. Someone who speeds 85 mph everyday on the highway probably won't think 90 mph is that bad. They'd probably be willing to admit that it is more dangerous. If not, they probably need a little physics lesson.

    I don't have a problem with people having fun as long as it is not putting other people in danger. Driving at night on an empty rode likely won't hurt anyone, but yourself, a tree, or a deer.

    I think I read somewhere that people who drive under the speed limit are more likely to run red lights.

  2. WTF is going on in here

    Long story short:

    I asked if there were stunt meetups.

    People are hating because I have a Buell Blast and asked that question.

    I said I was interested in learning a little more control on a Blast.

    People continued to hate.

    I offered evidence showing that a Blast can be more than people make of it.

    People continued to hate.

    Somehow it got off that I was claiming that a Buell Blast was better than other bikes?

    I tried to clear that up multiple times.

    Stunt guy came in and said hello.

    Someone said WTF.

    ... and a drunk guy.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Okay... just take a moment to logically think this through.

    First! I'm not saying a Blast is the one and only bike, so stop commenting as if I were saying that. Just want to be clear before I move on to my next comment.

    Without getting too technical...

    If a Buell Blast (MODIFIED!!!) can get to a 1/8 mile 1.495 seconds faster than a CBR 1000RR (STOCK) what makes you think it can't take a CBR 1000RR in the corners? (This is just an example, don't comment as if I'm talking about everyone and everybike).

    $10000+ for a NEW CBR 1000RR

    $500 plus $2000 in modifications? for a USED Buell Blast

    You're going to continue to make fun of a $2500 modified Buell Blast when you paid $10000 plus for a CBR 1000RR and a Blast can hang at least to a certain point? And!!! maybe even beat it in certain situations.

    The Blast must be a horribly designed piece of crap, I guess.

  4. Okay. I'm not understanding this. Are you guys just giving me a hard time?

    I haven't put any bodies bike down, I've even admitted that a Buell Blast has a negative appeal, I've offered some proof that a Blast can do things people are claiming it can't do...

    I keep admitting that a Blast is not the one and only... it is a single cylinder machine. What are you expecting?

    Really, I'm not hating on any body... what did I do that was so wrong?

    I asked a simple question... Are there any stunt meetups/groups? I didn't think that meant that people should go out of their way to attempt to put such negative energy into the thread.

    Would it help if I changed my profile bike to a GSXR or a CBR?

    I'm not pissed or offended, just a little surprised.

  5. I was never arguing that a Blast is a better bike, I argued it has potential. Too many people, and I don't blame them, who know absolutely nothing about the Blast hate it.

    My argument was A Blast CAN Stunt. Just like anything with 2 wheels can. Just because it can't stunt as good as other bikes doesn't mean it can't do some stunts.

    Also, I'm not saying I'm going to be out there attempting to do crazy stunts on a Blast. The stock engine mounts can't hold up well on the bike. They'd have to be upgraded as well, which is entirely possible.

    I would like to, however, learn a little more control. Is that so bad?

    If someone is going to continue to argue that a Buell Blast is not capable of stunting, then basically proven wrong, and continue to argue that the bike sucks, then it is clearly just an opinion that does not hold well.

    But still, my original questions was if there are any stunt groups or meetups.

    I've shown that a modded Blast was .095 seconds behind a stock CBR 1000rr in a quarter mile (and actually the modded Blast was 1.495 seconds faster in a 1/8 mile). I admitted that the stock CBR could probably do a lot better.

    I've shown that a stock Blast can do solid wheelies, burnouts, and drifts.

    I've shown that a scooter can do endos, wheelies, and stoppies.

    What more do you want?

    I'm saying the bike has potential. I'm not claiming it to be better than any other bike out there and not claiming it to be the ultimate stunt bike.

  6. 1000rr, I don't even understand what you're arguing, yet.

    It is what it is, a single cylinder motorcycle.

    The power to weight ratio definitely is not on it's side, but still the bike can stunt. Any bike can pretty much do some sort of stunt.

    You can wheelie a stock Blast it is just going to take more work.

    Maybe you just need more practice ;).

    We've pretty much established a stock Blast can wheelie. Watch the video in the quote.

    It's not hard to find someone who can't do something well. Ducati's must be pretty crappy bikes because one person can't do a burnout correctly.


    Which, by the way (maybe take a moment and count the cylinders below for me, looks stock too)...


    • Upvote 1
  7. I'm just going to put this out there, stop thinking stock Blast and think modded Blast. A stock Blast can still do stunts, clearly not as well as most bikes.

    This is drag racing, but a stock 2009 Honda CBR 1000RR did a quarter mile in 10.738 seconds at 135.670 mph (could do better). A modified single cylinder Blast did a quarter mile 10.833 seconds at 127.43 mph.

    Blast Time Slip

    Honda CBR 1000RR Time Slips

    A modified Blast is entirely capable of 'stunting'. It won't perform like other sport bikes while stunting, but can stunt. You don't have to go to the extremes here. It is not like a Blast owner is hopping on the handle bars and popping a wheelie.

    A modified Blast will likely outperform a sportbike in the curves.

    Still... my original question was if there were any stunt meetups.

    Keep it coming, though. You're not going to get me to believe that a Blast sucks because you read about it, not impressed with it's 'power', or rode stock.

  8. Also, I've had the Blast put the wheel to the sky and me off the bike by dropping the clutch fast. I held on and put the bike down, but it has the power to throw the wheel to the sky with mods. Harder to maintain the wheelie, but possible with modifications.

    I'm not saying a Blast is a stuntbike. I'm saying it has the potential to do stunts. Just like any bike does.

    In any event, I'm happy to argue this all day, but still wondering if there are any meetups.

  9. Don't plan on doing major stunting on a Buell Blast. Just want to learn a little control. Be around people that have a little experience. Although, I like to think of the Buell Blast as a Potential Bike. It has the potential to be far greater performing than it actually is.

    I don't mind being made fun of. Have at it! (I may bite back though ;))

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