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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. The report I've just read this morning indicated that the boy was raising the barrel of the fake rifle in the direction of the two Deputies after he was told twice to drop it. I believe it stated that within 10 seconds of the suspicious person call that shots were fired by the senior Deputy - 8 shots total. Of course, this is per the officers report and we don't have video or eyewitness accounts to confirm or contradict their version of the event. With that said, why did the kid remove the orange tips on both fake weapons?
  2. The Roku hooks up to a HDMI port and you interact with the channels via a remote. The Roku is very easy to set up and use but also very limited as there isn't anything real time available. I'll look through my channels to see if CBS Sports offers AMA racing. OTA doesn't require a HD box if you have a HD TV. Just choose the antenna you want, research the stations available in your area, and their location with respect to how to set up your antenna directionally. I have OTA for both TV's but they both get different channels that the other doesn't pick up but I mostly only watch the local news out of Cleveland and sports (I can typically watch the Browns every week). My plasma is internet capable so I can access everything on it vs. using the PS3/360 or Roku but rarely ever use it due to the simplicity of the consoles and Roku which is hooked up to my older Visio HD TV - mostly use it for Pandora. I use the PS3 for Amazon, VUDU, and until recently, Netflix, which I dropped after deciding I didn't like some of their PC programming bullshit. I use the 360 for other video apps mostly related to video game reviews. I recommend at least trying a Roku out but also look into a good OTA setup and drop cable - you won't miss the huge monthly expense.
  3. I'd say you've made a good choice and hopefully they get you there safely through the winter mess.
  4. One hunnit and fiddy one....smackaroos!
  5. OMG, this shit is too funny. LBTS, GLWS.
  6. Magdor clearly doesn't know how to DRIVE a vehicle. Go take a track day at Mid-Ohio and learn how much you don't fucking know about driving and then.....maybe....you'll begin to understand how you don't know anything about anything except typing bullshit on the internet.
  7. I've had two AWD DSM's and they were the shit in the snow. They would go anywhere I took them offroad, too, accessing cell towers when I was in PA. And of course, flooring it in the snow was just shits and giggles shenanigans that nothing short of jumping out of airplanes or surfing in pre-hurricane surf can top.
  8. I have winter tires for my 951 but haven't run them in over 2 years since it sits in the garage 95% of the time and never goes out in the winter unless the roads are clear of the salt residue. RWD and winter tires = fun in the snow. The DuraTrac's are M+S tires with the snowflake and did well in the wnter when I ran them on my Ram.
  9. Goodyear has a decent sale going on and those TripleTred's look like a decent compromise for safety in the snow. I was just at the local shop yesterday getting news shoes for the F-150 - went with the DuraTrac's.
  10. I really didn't catch on to the actual subject matter until, oh, about the very end of the video. But, I think I might now remember how to treat a sucking chest wound because of the unique visual props.
  11. I've been surfing youtube probably way too much lately about "ak's" and found this gem.....okay, just my opinion.....on how to treat a sucking chest wound from a guy who builds his own ak's. Boobies for the win, oh, yeah!!!
  12. I'm with the jbot on this one. Zombie killer!
  13. The Magdor is like most people who are compelled to deny their true nature and resent anything that says otherwise.....it reminds me of the libtard mentality of always being a victim. Now that doesn't imply that only libtards reject the notion that there is a God...no, people with a conservative bent are just as likely to deny His existence and do so vehemently. The truth is none of us are truly "good" if we're willing to take a real close and honest look at ourselves....our disposition, inclination, thoughts, and motives need to be tested in light of what the Bible says about our condition. If we then take a closer look at the scriptures we'll begin to see that God is right and just in what He has to say about our condition - the sinful nature of man inherited from Adam and all of the forms of evil which spring forth from it. All you have to do is watch two small children fight over a toy and realize that there truly is something wrong with us (not to mention all of the utter madness present in the world around us). And our "good" isn't good enough (not by works but by faith) for entrance into the kingdom of God.
  14. Why am I not surprised....it would only happen to the Browns.
  15. Well, I'm too far away but my truck isn't filthy.....and doesn't smell. Thought.....maybe Car Whore (if he's still lurking) could use some free advertising and bring out one of his many bad-ass rigs to help y'all out.
  16. I'm from a Pentecostal background and I will never deny that Jesus Christ is real. I have had far too many experiences - good and bad thanks to organized religion - to completely discount the reality of a living God. For me, when I realized that I didn't have the same relationship as my closest friends had with God, I walked away from it. My justification was that I'd rather not pretend to be something when I know that there is a deeper walk and life with Him. I have spent years studying the Bible and there simply isn't any possibility that the Romans "created" Jesus Christ much less the gospel of Christ and Him crucified (there is simply no way they could have written any of Paul's Epistles). I have read tons of books in my lifetime but only one book has ever made a permanent mark on me and that is the Bible. In fact, it's the only one I can remember anything from by memory alone. And BTW, we didn't go to war in Iraq and A-Stan - in fact, any war in my recent memory - because of "religion" but because of OIL and to protect our precious petro-dollar.
  17. Selective enforcment....um, correction, taxation. Glad to hear he wasn't a total douche bag and gave you a warning.
  18. I have that one along with a couple of SF books for my BOB.,...it's a great resource to have on hand.
  19. OMG, that is the one of the best and most hilarious ads I have ever had the pleasure to read. And yes, I qualify to own it but I love my FSB too much to buy another dirt toy.
  20. I find ignoring his fucktard ass to be more effective.
  21. I've seen you around the other forums but welcome to the madness of OR. And post some bigger pics of your ride.
  22. Glad to hear you're okay and you definitely handled it like a pro. Sorry to hear about the stupid backlash from the pinhead owner but getting back stateside is the right thing to do - get home safe, eh. And it sounds like the lot of us should buy you some BEERS.
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