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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. I hope there is a special place in hell for those types of sons of bitches. If I could pay that guys tax bill and get him back in his home, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  2. I'm hesitant to believe whatever is printed about Zimmy.....one would think he's learned a lesson about keeping a low profile but if it were anyone else it wouldn't have made it to the national news (or even the local news)....and I can only imagine having to now go through a divorce is a bit too much stress after the trial. As for his wife, she's clearly inclined to lie but it's best to give the benefit of a doubt, regardless. I feel for the guy but he really should think long and hard about going overseas for awhile if he can afford to do so. Leave all of this bullshit in the wind. Maybe ask for asylum in Russia.....
  3. Now that's an awesome opportunity - congrat's!
  4. baptizo


    With respect to destroying chemical weapons......burn 'em with fire. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/09/06/destroying-syrian-chemical-stockpiles-won-t-be-easy-may-kill-civilians.html "The care America takes in eliminating its own chemical weapons reflects how dangerous the process is, even when it’s done in a safe and controlled environment. Since 1986, the protocol has been to incinerate the agent at temperatures above 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit or to neutralize it using hot water and a caustic compound. After the destructive phase, the next step involves extensive monitoring and testing of air, water, and soil to ensure no residual release." "Thermobaric explosive weapons, like the BLU-119/B “CrashPad” are another option. Thermobaric explosives, essentially the most powerful non-nuclear devices in the U.S. arsenal, work by sucking in all the oxygen in the blast radius and using it to fuel an intense, high-velocity explosion reaching over 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit. In theory, such devices have the potential to suck in and incinerate chemical agents, however, no conclusive testing of such devices on live chemical agents has yet been conducted."
  5. Man, why the hell do I have to live where I can't have a dog! Dammit. That's a nice looking mutt and here's hoping you find a loving home for him ASAP.
  6. I'm with Jinu on the overwhelming stupidity one can see on the roads in C-Bus. I liked living there but I don't miss dealing with the idiots on the roads (and I can't say Cleveland is much better). And I think Cooter nailed it....intimidated driver without a clue.
  7. She's, um, very flexible......yep, that's all I got.
  8. Lazy asses - found 'em on Amazon ----> http://www.amazon.com/Dragonballz-Crystal-Ball-Set-7/dp/B0077CJ0ZU
  9. baptizo

    Ft: 06 Vfr

    Oh my, a beeaaauuutiful Viffer comes on the market and I just can't swing the cash for it.....DAMN! GLWS, bro. And I can't blame you for wanting an old muscle car.....after seeing a pristine and nicely modded 'Cuda heading through Hartville/Uniontown earlier this morning, I started thinking about getting one, too.
  10. I don't have anything to add except this thread is funny as hell.
  11. Anyone who can't figure out what the Tea Party truly stands for without resorting to stupid name calling in a lame attempt at using their "intelligence" is in reality a socialist kool-aid drinking fucktard. A Libertarian this one is not.....a Magtard he is.
  12. baptizo


    He is a bit too eccentric to get my vote but I like his stance on a lot of issues and of course, his respect for the Constitution.
  13. Wait, there are lying sacks of shit in the gubmint, too? OMG!!!
  14. Did the Magtard post something???
  15. Eh, anyone who loves Calvin and Hobbes is a-ok in my book. Welcome.
  16. That just makes so much sense....you're smarter than that, Tonic. Each industry is different with respect to their requirements as well as the individual employer but state and federal employees - just like those of us who served in the military know all too well - should be drug tested regardless of their position. I had to take a damn piss test every month when I was attending the SFQC at Bragg and was randomly tested no matter where I was stationed. You're not special just because you work for the state.
  17. I'm all for testing welfare slugs for drugs, however, with no exceptions - test all of them. As for gov employees, they're public servants, should be held to a higher standard, and yes, tested. We test in my industry and it weeds out the one's who don't belong, no pun intended.
  18. Magtard.....this one has been added to my internets slang.
  19. Sounds like a great time with some great peeps. And damn, I'm getting old - my 30th HS reunion is next year......but I haven't bothered with any of them since it means going back to shithole FayetteNam.
  20. Yep, that explains why we haven't seen much of you on here......nice pad!!!
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