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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. True. I did take some time to read more about the actual case after posting. Mis-characterizing as double-jeopardy might be a good part of the motivations of the protesters.
  2. Haven't delved that deep into so only have a limited understanding. It seems a lot more complicated and is frankly more than I really care to read about, but anyway: The family and the occupiers/militia/"terrorists" aren't really connected or working together. The family through their lawyer stated no affiliation. History of the family, specifically a father and son, is that they did do a controlled burn years ago that the government charged was unauthorized, criminal and possibly covering up illegal poaching. Some or all of the land was federally owned. The father and son were convicted in court and each served approximately 2 years in jail and released. Fast-forward to current: a judge and/or BLM - Federal government - re-ruled that the burning actually constituted an act of terrorism which has a minimum 5-year imprisonment sentence and that they each need to go back to jail - the father and son seem willing to comply with this order. Anyway, the re-sentencing got the activists involved in protesting on behalf of the family and other land-rights issues and over-reaching or tyranny on behalf of the Federal government. Two of the leaders are sons of Cilven Bundy, a rancher who a few years ago was involved in another standoff with BLM over grazing rights.
  3. Do people really do that? Go to a restaurant and get a grilled cheese?
  4. Almost makes me think there was an order from higher above to cut the investigation short. The media's and executive branch response to this event is fucking crazy.
  5. Mentioning "AK" on the scanners but that could mean anything.
  6. This is what I hope for with autonomous or semi-autonomous cars and artificial intelligence. Perhaps a network of AI cars could figure out how to get traffic flowing as smoothly and best as possible.
  7. Had zero interest until watching the trailer Monday. Seeing the X-wings and TIEs dogfighting got me a bit excited. Still, very cautious about it.
  8. The Autopilot name is a little... ambitious. It's really only lane following with adaptive cruise control.
  9. Better to suggest doing a ride-along and point out the issues you're having than to rely on the dealer/techs to find it.
  10. Blah blah paying interest is stupid and it's better to be earning interest. Didn't need 5 minutes to explain that.
  11. Not sure but you probably fried the pads. Maybe the rotors if they got so hot as to anneal or temper. If the dust looks more metallic then perhaps the rotor. I'd start by changing the pads.
  12. This looks like the posting https://columbusairports.applicantpro.com/jobs/268628.html
  13. That's my take on it. Why can't a person simply be a person?
  14. Plausible. If there's enough reinforcement the mind can start to believe. Maybe some Filipinos get called Latino enough that they think they really are. The above wasn't exactly serious. I think this would strictly be an environmental, external thing whereas transgender is internal. Nurture vs. Nature. Does that apply with this woman, I don't know - she may have grown up and/or has been treated as if she was black.
  15. 1/4 might still watch. The show died with Clarkson. Best thing to do would be to make a new auto show altogether.
  16. Furloaf


    How is that thing not an SBS or AOW? Edit: Nevermind, looked it up.
  17. A straight guy in a Miata? Not very realistic.
  18. Citing rentals is a little bit unfair perhaps. Those things are ragged on by everyone that had it before. That said: 1st gen Mazda6. Rental. Had the base 2.0L engine which meant it was a woefully underpowered car. Last gen Eclipse. Huge blind spots and bad rear visibilty. No steering feel and handled like a boat. Tires squealed taking turns at normal speeds. 2003? Ford Explorer. Mostly what others have said. Big but not big enough to use, slow as shit. Shifts are awful. Massive play in the steering wheel and can't tell which way the car is going. Worst thing is the noise. Rattles everywhere, engine sounds awful, whining from the entire driveline. Electronics would randomly work or not work - radio would come on when by itself overnight and kill the battery. Lots of other issues. I guess this would be my top pick.
  19. That's the slide stop plunger and the thumb safety plunger. I found it helps to put the thumb safety slightly up to where it isn't putting as much force on the plunger. On new guns that plunger spring is going to be tight for a while. Use a credit card to push in the slide stop plunger while inserting the pin. Less chance of scratching your gun.
  20. ...and get caught and forever be labeled a sex offender.
  21. Had a replacement filter for a year or two but too lazy to do it. It's a bit of a pain in the ass for that car.
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