Seems to be all marketing fluff to me. A number of odd things in their video:
- Turbulence stabilizes projectile? How about the rifling of the barrel.
- Hole saw? Yeah sure. The bullet isn't spinning fast enough for the "teeth" to do any real cutting. It's not going through glass, plywood, sheetrock, etc., any better than any other bullet. In fact, the low weight probably means it won't be going much further if it passes through and/or isn't horribly deflected from the break-apart design.
- "Acrostic wave along predictable vectors"? WTF does this mean? Wait, I heard something like this in a movie called Equilibrium.
- "Potential energy conserved" makes no sense at all.
Generally light for caliber rounds do not perform well in independent penetration tests. A fragmenting bullet means the individual pieces penetrate even less than the whole would. A lightweight bullet is also bad for barrier penetration, unless they're high velocity. These may be high velocity, but that also means they'll be loaded at +P+ levels or more.
I don't buy it.