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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. China's been threatening to drop the Dollar for a few years. Like already said, Crimea was essentially a part of Russia already, so I don't really care about this. If it goes farther then sure I would care more, but as of now it's not that big of a deal.
  2. It's almost as if any forecast >2 or 3 days is just a wild ass guess.
  3. Fuck that, someone throws fire on me they're getting hot lead in return. Or worse.
  4. Panic time? Should I go buy out all the bread and milk?
  5. I bet they sell a shitload of those.
  6. A W-4 withholding worksheet? A lower number has more withheld. 0 if you want the biggest possible return. 1 or 2 will also likely work for a single filer with a simple return (1040EZ, no itemized deductions, etc.). If he is under 18, or 24 and in school, he more than likely won't even have to pay taxes unless his income is >50% of his parents'.
  7. Unemployment sometime in the future because the plant could no longer be competitive.
  8. Because in that one you could see the ground the whole video. This one has fog and pollution obscuring the ground for most of it.
  9. Didn't get me until the very end. I'd never climb higher than 5 feet high on something Chinese made.
  10. Furloaf


    Same I've been hearing. Those that like it haven't watched the original.
  11. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/arcade.php?do=play&gameid=101
  12. Don't need reverse when you can push anything out of your way.
  13. I suspect the guy doesn't want to be known as the Flappy Bird creator. He would rather be known for something greater than a easy to make, low quality and cheap game that by a fluke became immensely popular. Not to mention it wasn't an original idea at all.
  14. Furloaf

    Walking Dead

    Carl should have shot Rick in the face and then immediately in the next scene be eaten by walkers. Would have been the best thing for the series.
  15. Ah I haven't looked into it since the Tavor came out and people said they didn't have problems removing that spring.
  16. You can remove a single spring and the trigger lightens up. It's a redundant spring thats only job is to stiffen up the trigger.
  17. That thing is awesome. I would never buy a gun and not shoot it. Wouldn't care how famous or rare it was.
  18. I like them and want to have one someday. There are several other pistols I would rather own before, however.
  19. Either scare it off or crossbow it. Poison isn't a good idea since your dogs will be out there; can't be certain if it eats all or you remove all of the poisoned meat.
  20. The "incredible odds" thing is bullshit. It's a fallacy to think that your existence is so special given the odds of it occurring, because the only way to think that is because it did occur. Somewhere in the uncountable places in the universe. Your brain isn't even capable of comprehending how many trials or attempts were possible, and the fact that it did happen at least 1 place among the essentially infinite amount of other attempts isn't that surprising This single place isn't specially designed, it's just a place where it did happen, and the only reason you can question that is because it did.
  21. Bad drivers and/or shitty tires have much more to do with it than FWD/RWD/AWD. As said many times, AWD does nothing to help you stop, only helps to get moving.
  22. Seems to be all marketing fluff to me. A number of odd things in their video: - Turbulence stabilizes projectile? How about the rifling of the barrel. - Hole saw? Yeah sure. The bullet isn't spinning fast enough for the "teeth" to do any real cutting. It's not going through glass, plywood, sheetrock, etc., any better than any other bullet. In fact, the low weight probably means it won't be going much further if it passes through and/or isn't horribly deflected from the break-apart design. - "Acrostic wave along predictable vectors"? WTF does this mean? Wait, I heard something like this in a movie called Equilibrium. - "Potential energy conserved" makes no sense at all. Generally light for caliber rounds do not perform well in independent penetration tests. A fragmenting bullet means the individual pieces penetrate even less than the whole would. A lightweight bullet is also bad for barrier penetration, unless they're high velocity. These may be high velocity, but that also means they'll be loaded at +P+ levels or more. I don't buy it.
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