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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. I have 1250 rounds of 230gr FMJ .45ACP ammo for sale. All brass-cased. 1000 rounds are Aguila: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/Aguila.jpg~original 250 rounds are Federal: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/Federal.jpg~original $400 for all. Prefer to sell in bulk. No trades - just cash. Send a PM. Thanks.
  2. Don't like. Hate the rear. Still love the C6.
  3. Definitely a bluebird.
  4. I know very little of comic books... just synapses I guess. Anyway, the marvel movies have been doing well with the Avengers and Ironman, but the later ones I understand are about aliens fighting aliens? Are general population going to receive and like those movies as much? I guess my viewpoint is that the heroes become less interesting if they're not human, or that Earth isn't what is really at stake or what they're fighting for. Not sure where I'm going, the premises just seem too bizarre for me. I'll say that Batman is my favorite because he was just a normal human. The only thing extraordinary about him was his immense wealth. Whereas, I fucking hate Superman because he's an alien and can do damn near anything... except for when the Kryptonite bullshit is near. (I do realize Superman became more of a deconstruction of the superhero, his heroism is when he tries to be a normal human and brave the normal human experience, i.e. his costume is Clark Kent)
  5. I agree it is entirely an issue of culture and economic status that leads to increased crime by black Americans. However, is not true according to the FBI UCR stats. Census data gives white demographics at ~73% and blacks at ~13%. Per capita arrest offenses are higher for blacks than white Americans for all violent crimes and sexual offenses. The only arrests that match population distribution are DUIs and liquor laws. I recently looked at this from reading another article shooting down the NAACP's / race-baiters' ideas that white-on-black violent crime is the most pressing issue faced by black Americans, and the apparent willful ignorance of rampant black-on-black crime. The argument was that to truly have a discussion on racism, the issues that actually exist should be the focus, not individual sensationalized stories based on lack of evidence, misplaced emotional responses from unfound evidence, and pure bullshit lies from the media. In other words, the whole Zimmerman thing.
  6. One of my few real wishes is that Holder sees jail time after this administration. I've got a suspicion Holder will charge himself and then Obama will pardon him on this last day of office, along with many others. Hell, Obama might even try pardoning himself.
  7. That tip line makes me feel physically ill. Such an egregious overstepping of the DOJ and disregard for the Rule of Law. People should fill that tip line up with all the twitter death threats to Zimmerman, his lawyers, lawyer's families, and the jurors.
  8. Furloaf

    Steam Sale!

    I got Dirt3 with a video card and didn't like it at all. Felt like a weird mix of an arcade style and a sim racer that's in the special zone where it isn't fun as either type. Also, I just sold a "foil" card for $2.20. Can't believe people buy those. Idiots.
  9. Furloaf

    Steam Sale!

    Alan Wake and Mark of the Ninja so far. I sold the stupid cards for a few dollars, ha.
  10. Obstruction of justice reasoning is bullshit. They should call what it really is: obstruction of funds.
  11. Furloaf

    Steam Sale!

    I'm going to limit it to < $5 for any game that interests me, and < $10 or 75% off if it's on my wishlist. Edit: Derrr I misread about XCOM... I'll leave what I said anyway for others' considering getting it. Definitely get XCOM when it hits daily or flash sale. It may take a while but I bet it will hit at least 66% deal sometime during it. I got it for $17 back in December (not on steam) and it was the most fun I've had playing a game in a while.
  12. Furloaf

    Steam Sale!

    Going to try to resist this year as I still have games from last summer I haven't even installed.
  13. Really, the Eve players are way worse than the players wasting their life playing WoW. To be successful in Eve takes knowledge and skills that can be applied to the real world. All the virtual trading and investing could make them a fortune in real life markets. I'm sure some do.
  14. Wasn't all that interesting. I would trade it to spend more time in DC at the museums and monuments, etc. If you want Revolutionary history experience go to Boston and to the Freedom Trail. Edit: All I did was walk around Williamsburg which was interesting for about an hour (there for like 4 hours), but it is out of the way from DC and Arlington. If you catch a reenactment or a show at Williamsburg it would probably be cooler.
  15. Why did you go from S4? Just curious, no experience with Windows phone.
  16. Yes, racism only applies when it disparages minorities. Any actions or decisions that are based on race, but affect a white person, are not racist.
  17. Really enjoy my One I've had since launch.
  18. 300 rounds of Federal American Eagle 168gr OTM $200 Send PM.
  19. If some one wants in a lock will do nothing to prevent them getting inside. They'll just delay, so locks just give you a little extra time. The best thing to combat a home invasion is to have a dog that doesn't like strangers. Dog will give you advance warning and keep them occupied if not outright deter them from entering.
  20. Can you post a bigger picture? I can't make anything out. Where is the boat?
  21. Adding pictures and adjusting price of ammunition as an incentive. Sorry the lighting is bad and I'm a horrible photographer. Rifle and case (excuse the blanket): http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/M1A/IMAG0021.jpg~original SS CMI Magazines: They are shiny but appear more shiny here due to the direct overhead light and bluriness of the amateur camera work. I've thought of using fine sandpaper or media blasting to dull them. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/M1A/IMAG0023.jpg~original http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/M1A/IMAG0024.jpg~original Ammunition: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/M1A/IMAG0027.jpg~original
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