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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. Yeah the only thing that could come back is if it is reported as stolen. If it is: congratulations, you're in possession of stolen property. The time to do a serial check is before you buy it.
  2. I think I'm going to get the HTC One when it comes out. All aluminum construction is nice; when I touch an S3 I feel like I'm going to snap it in half.
  3. It relies on the revealed door not being randomly chosen. If it was randomly chosen then there wouldn't be any advantage to switching from the original choice. The host deliberately picks to reveal a losing door.
  4. The article had an update that it wasn't specific to TWC.
  5. I think of it as being able to pick 2 doors instead of one when asked to switch. With your first pick you have 1/3 chance of having the car. The other two doors have 2/3 chance of the car. Revealing that one of the other two doors does not have the car doesn't change the chance that those two together had 2/3 chance of the car, so now the unopened door you didn't pick is 2/3 chance by itself - since the host will always open a door containing the goat. The revealed door is not picked at random so that is why it can "modify" the chances.
  6. I put the IPs in the blocked list by enabling parental controls on my router. Seems to work as I checked a few videos I recently tried to watch that would only stream a few seconds in 1080p, now it fills the buffer bar at least 3x faster than video playback
  7. NRA-ILA should run this quote: Match it up with things that point out what the goal of gun control really is: population control.
  8. I want a Constitution amendment that clearly prohibits any exemptions from laws. No more protected classes or citizens. Also thinking of Christie as the 2016 candidate makes me want to kill myself.
  9. I didn't know Vector still existed. Surprised that will.i.am.retarded wasn't on the list either. I'd give honorary #11 to his idiotic car company dream.
  10. I bet you'll get the run-around with FedEx and Pony Express. FedEx will say it got to Pony Express fine and blame Pony Express. Conversely Pony Express will say it happened when FedEx had it. I've gone through something similar with a lost package.
  11. I bet he got a better offer locally after agreeing to sell to you. AR15.com has a banning policy for flaking on any EE deal.
  12. Yes. He also never sent a tracking number correct?
  13. I doubt a police report will do much. It's across state lines, and it is not even $500 worth. Guys on AR15.com were talking about dusting for fingerprints and soil samples... police aren't going to waste their time doing that, sorry to say. As others pointed out, there is no Federal protection since it was sent via private shipping. You can file a report but I suspect it'll be forgotten about come lunch time. I'm leaning towards the seller being nefarious in this case. That or someone at FedEx went through a lot of trouble to repackage it. I noted in the pictures that there are extra strips of cardboard at the top and bottom of the bottles, as protection for them to not poke through the sides.
  14. Quite sure the fire was deliberately set by police: I listened to this live while watching the news helicopter footage. Matched up with the smoke on the video feed.
  15. It's only for Colorado, but it would allegedly force Magpul to pack up shop and relocate to a less retarded state.
  16. Furloaf

    Walking Dead

    Only on the phone.
  17. Silk road = illegal drug trading Bitcoins are a digital currency. Because it's hard to trace they are allegedly (but not exclusively) used in illicit dealings. Let your imagination fill in the rest.
  18. I've shipped about a year ago. Didn't care about the box being plain but it did need ORM-D stickers on two sides. My most recent received was in a plain box and just had that diamond logo one one side. Maybe the rules changed.
  19. In 1998 I had a free camera from signing up with Earthlink that took better pictures than that.
  20. My dad. To my left are my keys, water bottle, and my 1911. I'll take the pistol but my dad is 75 unfortunately.
  21. Went to one when I was quite young. Thought it was lame. Though, I went in expecting lasers like in Star Wars.
  22. Not so bad until the third picture. It's done.
  23. I see. Yeah, I didn't make it that long. I dipped out during that retarded tunnel into Mexico scene.
  24. Didn't she died. And shit, I haven't watched F&F since the 3rd one. Couldn't watch the 2nd without falling asleep. Completely skipped 4 and fell asleep/stopped caring about 5 maybe 1/3 into it.
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