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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. There's always a chance. Is it all that likely? I don't really think so, so I voted maybe. Still taking some reasonable precautions isn't a bad thing.
  2. I think the camcorder as it was is mostly gone, in terms of personal and non-professional use. Yes, having been replaced with smartphones and point-and-shoots, and semi-professional with DSLRs. The dedicated, full-fledged digital video recorders will break your $300 budget fairly quickly I think.
  3. Generally you start by applying to the college by filling out the application and submitting other documents, like a highschool transcript. Then it takes some waiting while the school processes it and decides to accept the application. When accepted, and I think Columbus State is open enrollment so you can't really not get accepted, anyway when accepted they'll have you take an assessment/placement test that will help determine where you stand. A person that just graduated highschool likely will start with "college level" classes, however schools offer classes that are below that level for people that need review or brushing up, etc., if they have forgotten highschool lessons which is common if their job didn't require that knowledge or skills. Credit hours are roughly equivalent to the amount of time spent in the classroom. A 3 credit hour class might consist of 3, 1-hour long class sessions each week. A general rule of thumb is that the time spent outside of class for reading, studying, and doing homework is equal to about 2 hours for each credit hour. So a 3 credit hour class might take 9 hours each week (3 in class + 6 (3x2) hours outside). 12 credit hours is considered full time enrollment (12 + 24 = 36)
  4. Having a 100% effective alarm clock that also pays me $110k per year is enticing. With that said however 1 day at the most.
  5. I didn't watch all of it... but from what I've read I understand it isn't a real video camera. The "video" is a composite created with still images from a much "slower" camera recording the same thing many times. The light is turned on and off repeatedly until there is sufficient density of still images to give the appearance of the smooth propagation of the light passing through the bottle. Is that correct?
  6. That shithole should be walled off and then advertised as no arrest/conviction zone. Let some of the degenerates from cities that still have a chance flock to their crime haven. Think of a real Hamsterdam from The Wire. Hell then turn it into a prison-city like in Escape from New York.
  7. Some aftermarket fans use their own temp probe in the radiator, but I guess the slimline you talk about doesn't. By fixing the fans, I meant to check to make sure that was set correctly. Turn the A/C on while the car is running. If the fan is wired up correctly and the ECU is working properly, the fan should turn on. If this works then it is likely the Temp sending unit is bad. The coolant could boil and the gauge still read close to normal if the coolant system isn't pressurizing. If that was happening you would likely notice a loss in coolant level though. So more likely the temp sending unit is bad.
  8. I would fix the fans and also test/replace the temp sending unit first off.
  9. Manual racks above any power steering, and the fewer turns for the lock-to-lock the better.
  10. Furloaf


    I couldn't get past the revolver ray guns. It's just trying to hard to be a western in space.
  11. I think, generally, if you have time to carefully aim and think about the shot... then it isn't a justifiable self-defense shot.
  12. Furloaf

    Casey Anthony

    I'd hit it, all the while not worrying if I'll have to pay child support (for very long, anyway).
  13. Looks good but I agree that they're too large, but I appreciate the tires actually fit and aren't the stretched idiocy.
  14. Great pickup with the rifle. Concerning ammo, every time I have looked at Dick's ammo it has been roughly twice what I expect to pay at Vance's, Walmart, etc. I stopped bothering to even check at Dick's.
  15. Furloaf


    This thread makes me grateful for Sprint having seamless Google Voice integration. I haven't had any service issues with Sprint network either, had Verizon before Sprint and in my experience they're comparable. I left Verizon when they first started dropping unlimited data and text, while jacking up plan prices nearly 2 years ago.
  16. Did you check that the duct valve is working? The one that seals off the heater core from the rest of the HVAC. Edit: Yeah, blend door is what it is called.
  17. Probably would have had just the same impact results due to terminal velocity. Pressure wise I'm not so sure of as GoPro's might be hermetically sealed and with the lower atmospheric pressure at the Stratos jump altitude the case might rupture.
  18. No one eats my sandwiches damnit.
  19. That was my take as well. Someone that is slamming 5 hours throughout the day most likely isn't living a very balanced life.
  20. Furloaf

    Target = Shady

    Call Chase, tell them Target told you they haven't and won't ship it until 12/19, even though you paid for rush shipping. Explain you asked Target to cancel the order but they refused. Then ask Chase to stop the payment. I'm almost sure they'll comply. I'm not sure about now, but there use to be a clause in the Mastercard, VISA etc., vendor agreement where a vendor couldn't charge for goods until they have actually shipped.
  21. Anyone can list an auction with a retarded price, that doesn't mean they sell for that much. Notice the 0 bids? Years ago someone was trying to convince me how awesome Fieros are. He brought up an ebay auction of an abortion of car with a testerosa kit on it, listed for $120k.
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