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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. $500-1000 would be my budget for what tasks you gave. A capable gaming rig but nothing too serious. Sweet spot in the $700-800 range. Multi-tasking is really dependent on RAM and 8GB is more than enough. However, I always build my own so maybe a slight increase for a complete pre-built.
  2. Furloaf

    Fuck taxes

    My plan: 1) Cut welfare completely 2) National CCW reciprocity /shall-issue / stand-your-ground laws 3) Open season on shitheads 4) In a few years most of the problems with crime and crushing debt from social programs are simultaneously resolved (sarcastic of course)
  3. Furloaf

    Fuck taxes

    Wow, yeah that sucks. I would be pissed then as well.
  4. Furloaf

    Fuck taxes

    Your bonus probably got taxed at the supplemental income rate, which is a flat rate and ignores the W-4.
  5. My sarcasm didn't show through I guess. I think "price gouging" is a term made up by crybaby communist sympathizers. I agree that $2500-3000 is a fair asking price for that package.
  6. Seriously if this passes they need to do away with the stickers as well. Replace it with the same fee. Edit: Wait it's only every 7 years for mandatory new plates. I don't think that is all that much of a money grab. I'm not sure I've even kept plates for 7 years as it is now.
  7. I would accept that as a trade for ditching front plates.
  8. Serious post this time; It looks amazing besides that mirror frame as others pointed out. The dents and waviness, apparent uneven trim lines and the wood frame visible makes it looks really shoddy, like it was $5 at Big Lots.
  9. Great idea putting the peep hole in the aquarium.
  10. $200 otherwise you are gouging poor prospective buyers.
  11. http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2012/10/police_gun_buy_back_draws_peop.html I laughed my ass off at their reported names.
  12. Never liked how long the backseat area is. It has the dimensions of a 4-door but without the rear doors.
  13. You can fit a drum set in a G37?
  14. Guy liked his 1911s with compensators. Interesting...
  15. Besides the headlights, I liked the C6 much better than the C5 the first I saw of it.
  16. Have a case on the way from SGAmmo.com. Ordered today in the 30 minutes before it sold out.
  17. It looks even more ugly at a street level view.
  18. Warped front rotors could cause it as well.
  19. That's a good point. Maybe a portion of the rally should be thanking the State legislature for such support.
  20. Yes, it happens frequently. Many people are shot in inner cities every night throughout the country but those are hardly ever mainstream news stories either (and still aren't). The point is that the gunshow shootings are political ammunition now. The few other news sites I glanced at mentioned both stories: the gun show accidents and the pro- rallies. CNN doesn't mention the pro- rallies. The linked video is from over a week ago.
  21. No. Also notice how CNN ignores the pro-2nd rallies yesterday.
  22. http://support.verizonwireless.com/clc/devices/knowledge_base.html?id=20989 LOL at AT&T not blocking. I can go on the Sprint website and block over 100 numbers indefinitely. Edit: Nevermind about my AT&T jab: http://www.att.com/esupport/article.jsp?sid=KB102428&cv=820#fbid=fz3k_bJo4dG Oh wait, you have to pay $5/month. Nice one, AT&T.
  23. Check on your service provider's website, or call their help line. Usually is pretty quick and easy to block a number.
  24. Note that you need to donate to the NRA-ILA specifically to fund political/legislative efforts. A membership still has an effect at protecting rights, but membership dues aren't used for lobbying purposes.
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