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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. I understand your points. I guess a lot of it is preference, and I see night sights as more being a "cool" mod than as a practical one, given the price and benefit. I agree with training being above all the most important. With enough practice I've found my reflex aiming is pretty close to being on with the sights. By reflex aiming, I mean grabbing the pistol and pointing it immediately, or even better from a low ready position. I think adequate enough for CoM hits, within inside of house distances - which my point is, with enough practice you won't need to acquire a sight picture - so again NS are of limited use. Again up to preference. If someone prefers NSs then they should use what they think is best.
  2. I also think night sights are of limited use. Few reasons: 1) If it's too dark to see regular sights, then it's too dark to be sure of your target. You won't know if you're about to pop that at large serial rapist or if it's just a family member coming home late, getting a drink, etc. 2) Even the brightest sights are still difficult to see. They aren't bright enough to make out well unless you're aiming into darkness, and then are difficult to align since there is no other reference beside 3 floating points. A weapon light, or just holding a flashlight, will be much more effective for aiming, as you have an illuminated background. Also the flashlight lets you ID the target which is quite important as noted above.
  3. It has built in Wifi, but lacks the remote, so still an upgrade over the Hero2 at same price.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commission_on_Presidential_Debates However, later the article mentions the 15% polling in five national polls rule. But still... it's essentially a private club they created for themselves and no one else.
  5. Damn, the specs on the Black edition are nice.
  6. Furloaf

    Walking Dead

    I'm thinking AMC realized people (zombie fanatics) are going to watch it anyway. So AMC cut costs and quality to maximize profit. I watched the season premiere and was left with a feeling of: "Man, this isn't anywhere near as good as AMC's other shows."
  7. Regular citizens need them to keep the government in check.
  8. Only thing he did wrong was not knocking the bitch out.
  9. Probably not... though I'm wondering how badly the trunk bed/body metal is crumpled. That first picture makes it look like the bumper didn't contain all of the impact.
  10. Furloaf

    The list

    Just recently I've contemplated a .300 AAC Blackout AR15. My sense of practicality and lack of funds stop that idea though. For about a year I've thought of custom building a 1911. I thought of doing 10mm until I learned of .460 Rowland. Being inexperienced I think I should just try a regular .45 build first, so I'm thinking of just getting a barrel and bushing and fitting that to my current pistol, and then moving on to a complete .45 build.
  11. Thanks. I assumed the difference was solely in the barrel: proofing level and rifling/headspacing geometry - and that the brass wasn't significantly different to not be interchangeable. I have a bucket of casings that might be mixed. Again sorry for derailing. Good luck with the sale/trade.
  12. Sorry not interested in the trade, but wondering if there is a significant enough difference in the case geometry to not reload .223 brass to a 5.56 level charge?
  13. Tracking location is not cool at all. I wouldn't mind paying taxes on mileage - but only if the tax on gasoline was also abolished.
  14. That clip would have been way more funny if it was just blinding lens flare.
  15. Should definitely go the cheapest route possible to put on the GT3. Just for the lulz
  16. Try looking at: http://www.bankrate.com/taxes.aspx
  17. http://www.sigsauer.com/CatalogProductDetails/p220-sao.aspx Not a "normal" Sig but it isn't anything special or rare either. Uncommon for being a single action only variant. I wasn't aware of a SAO Sig.
  18. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/tumblr_lrufh17cAt1qd5idfo1_500.jpg?t=1348752377
  19. Restriction of firearm ownership to felons still applies in Texas. That's a Federal law and Texas doesn't have a preemption.
  20. If I witnessed it, I would call fault on the car changing lanes without signaling. The car turning right assured the lane was safe and didn't have indication of intent of the other car to merge into that lane. However, not witnessing it I think it would need to be called on the car turning right, as damage is to the front half of the car. Claiming the merger didn't signal is equivalent to hearsay.
  21. This thread is exactly what not to do when you have a dispute with a towing company. If you really have a felony while having that loaded handgun in the car, you got off EASY with just letting the officer take it away - and you were also stupid as hell to even get the police involved. What exactly did you accomplish paying the fine in pennies? All you did was inconvenience someone, a person that had nothing to do with issuing the ticket, that happened to work at the clerk of court's office. Hell you inconvenienced yourself just as much. "Getting even" by "sticking it to the man" only applies when you stick it to the those responsible.
  22. The issue with requesting an increase is that it initiates a hard inquiry. That inquiry will stay on your report/score for 1 year and it dings the score down some. If you have plans to apply for credit you actually need within a year it would be better to not ask for a credit line increase on any of your cards.
  23. Yes all 140 million people in Russia have a dashcam.
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