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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Think is opens 4/15 that falls on my off week any one going down? Got my vay k in for the weekend too. See you all down there!!
  2. Ready to go shooting tomorrow Alyssa Shea Roley? Weather will be fine!!!

  3. This duck dynasty crap is getting old quick I mean who cares he not ur buddy or ur friend you're never ever in ur life gonna hang out with him, it doesn't effect my life what so ever or any of yours, Christmas is coming up folks ok care for your families that you will spend time with not someone you'll never meet in you're life.

  4. Yea but it also answered the question about the older lady beside her was her mom haha me and rollnhots buddy couldn't figure it out.
  5. All I'll say is it was when we went to the fire pit with the other group, you want to know ask turnones sandwich maker lol
  6. how about you guys try not setting me up with 13 year old again that would be swell
  7. this is how my dads is set up and work well.
  8. I pay cod my tags Leaky barrel got the one on Christmas
  9. Coal Miner's Daughter........ in my pants The Country Girl........in my pants Sexy Beast.....in my pants Two Women.........in my pants Woodstock.......in my pants Working girl.....in my pants When harry met sally.......in my pants
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