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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. na man my little 650 is perfect for mmmwa i love my little turd, ill brake down why i put busa the number one reason is i work with you and you know what i ride you have also rode it around a parking lot aka why i put busa plus everyone know a busa is just the best bike evvvaaaa haha
  2. Come to the epic ride so we can see your titties
  3. subtract 5 riders we are going to the meet then gonna do are own thing. See y'all at the start and finish. Just rode mine today since she went down and it was f-ing glorious:cool:
  4. Ahhh no thanks I live near Grove city. Straight south so no need lol.
  5. U gonna be at the epic ride tomorrow? Maybe give it to you there.
  6. Shitty what u mean man tonight was pay day gonna ride my bike in a couple hours eat me some jap food. I'm having a blast!!!
  7. Well Shawn if he liked it he probably should have kept it
  8. Browns avatar scares me and welcome
  9. He is still going so its all good
  10. Or you could ride down with me Karl and Geza from my place
  11. Bad track record so far lol, ahhh Karl and ynot don't wanna ride it. Jackflash said there was all kinds of shit on it and I'm not wanting to putput at 10mph to be safe on it. Hell with it as long as I'm ridding I'm happy, I was pissed when I seen you rode urs in this morning lol
  12. Well do to most resent events me, kman, and ynot gonna do 93-50-681 till the turn to 7 then head back hit 56 from 93 and ride the usual 664,374 and what not back to the meet spot and meet u all there at the end off the day. Us 3 agree that 555 can go f*#k its self lol.
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