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Everything posted by Hollywood33

  1. .....and no, I would never let Craig touch my bike. I kid, I kid.
  2. Nothing was changed since Putnam, where the bike ran great. The only thing that changed was adding gas, which is why we siphoned it out and put different stuff in.
  3. Jumper mod is done and looked fine. No FI light.
  4. True. Tank breather and air filter are good. I definitely need to check the plugs and a few other smaller things. Thanks for the reply.
  5. Alright guys, posted about my mechanical issues in the "Tech and Tips" section. I need some advice, so check it out if you can. Thanks.
  6. Yo. So I'm hoping some of my OR peeps might be able to help me out. Bike: 2007 ZX6R Full Leo Vince exhaust (actually Leo slip on with Pine Box header) Bazzaz Fi unit BMC race air filter Jumper Mod Custom Map I was racing Sunday at Nelson Ledges when my bike started having issues in practice. It would pull hard, like normal, in the lower rpm range up until about 12 grand. I noticed it coming out of a turn in 3rd gear and pinning the throttle. Once it got to about 12000 rpm, where normally the power really comes on hard, nothing would happen. The bike would just very slowly climb the revs and be extremely underpowered. It would also hesitate or stutter ever so slightly periodically all the way to redline. It would do this in every gear after about 12 grand or so. So needless to say my races were fucked as people would just blitz me on the straights. After my first race, we drained the gas and put in new gas from a different source. We also checked the connections on the Bazzaz unit, and unplugged it and plugged it back in. Went back out, no change. We switched the Bazzaz to a secondary map. Nothing. Then we completely removed the Bazzaz unit and wire harness and hooked everything back up stock. No change. We checked the fuses, they look fine. Fuel pump is coming on like it should. I don't know, any ideas? I have a race in a few weeks and would definitely rather not waste money taking it in somewhere. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks, it's much appreciated.
  7. Bout time. We'll get you some Ohio Riders stickers for that bike... as soon as it has some bodywork on it.
  8. Yeah rough day for me for sure, bike just wouldn't cooperate. As soon as I'd get into the power band around 12 grand or so, I'd just completely lose power. It would just very slowly climb the revs from there and would kind of cut out for a split second here and there along the way. (I might start a thread with more details to see if anyone has ideas on what it could be). I got some good starts and felt like I could've run up front, but everyone would just blow by me on the front and back straights. Oh well, shit happens I guess. Honestly though, my track brothers are the shit! Thank you guys so much for helping me tear down the bike twice in an effort to sort shit out between races. Love you guys (all homo). Props to Brandon for just straight fucking tearin it up out there! 13's, jesus! I'm gonna have to get this bike sorted so I can try to hang with you next round. Jinu looks more and more solid on the Kawi everyday. I believe Ron set a new personal best in the mini 20, making solid steady progress all the time. Mikey just putting us all to shame as always. And Andrew snagging a podium spot (13's I think), definitely wish I could've battled with you a little out there. And The Murse being an absolutely spectacular pit bitch and helping me with my bike all day (and HJ's of course)! Rough day for me racing wise, but it's always great to kick it with everyone.
  9. Does anyone possibly have a rear tire warmer I can borrow for Sunday's races? That asshole Craig burned mine up.
  10. Yeah, yeah. Everyone hates lawyers............ until they need one.
  11. Unfortunately, I will only be there on Sunday.
  12. Hahahaha, I just laughed out loud in class damnit! Oh you, mother...
  13. Just try to keep it on two wheels, at least until I get there.
  14. I'll be there Sunday for 600 SBK 1, 2, and Mini 20. See you dick lovers there.
  15. Hahahaha, I fucking love you, guys! Well done, sir.
  16. The only racing that Madcat is doing is to Home Depot and Bed, Bath, and Beyond for a "pretty nice little Saturday."
  17. Ray, you suck at life and should grow some balls and ride a new fucking track you pussy!
  18. Bro, I understand that you are frustrated by this. You may have done nothing wrong, you may have. I don't really know, and honestly I don't really give a shit. But just let it go, not even worth getting upset over, don't let it get to you. It's not necessarily an AFJ thing, although I guess I may have started that by mentioning them. That was my bad. Wish you could've made it to Putnam, would've been fun to battle it out. See you at Nelson next round?
  19. Shit yeah he did! Damnit. I'm switching to Pirelli's next round.... for real.
  20. Just like everyone else, huh? It can't possibly be your own fault that you crashed. Blow me.
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