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Everything posted by Hollywood33

  1. Hollywood33

    IMG 1132

    From the album: stuff

  2. Ah good times. Hopefully you didn't get offended that I didn't sleep with you Saturday night, I just knew I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you and I didn't think the gf would have appreciated that. Next time, buddy, next time!
  3. Don't be such a hater! If you looked as pretty as I do out there, you'd have 60 pictures too!
  4. I had a great time with the OR guys this weekend! My weekend could have definitely gone better, since I tossed it in turn 1 on the last lap while in 1st place of the first 600 sprint. Was having a great battle with Andrew (Ama146) that race and was determined to not let him get back by me on the last lap. Great job out there, Andrew, I'm looking forward to more battles in the future! (I'm still super pissed at myself for throwing that one away and I'm gunnin for you next time!) I seriously want to thank you guys for helping me get my bike back together in one hour so I could at least make the second 600 sprint and the mini 20. You guys are the best! It was great to realize that you guys had my back and kind of took over and did what had to be done, since I always feel a little shaken up after a crash. Sorry I didn't realize I had a stock rearset with me until we pulled apart like three different people's Vortex rearsets trying to piece mine back together! Don't hate me, I promise to tickle all of your balloon knots at the next event! The bike doesn't look too bad, some bodywork, new shifter and peg, brake lever, and a clip-on. My left clip-on is severly bent downward, which is crazy because I didn't realize it until today. So yeah, I was able to make it through my last two races, although very slowly. Brandon kicked my ass in the second sprint as well as most of the other guys. Brandon looked great out there all weekend, Jinu seriously was tearing it up in the mini 20, and Craig seemed like he had a blast rippin that 250 around! John did great learning a brand new track in just a day and then goin out racing. Also, The Murse was pretty much embarassing us all by bangin out 3's all weekend. Freakin nuts! Great job guys, everyone represented OR well!
  5. You can use my bike for whatever you like, Marty. I should be there around eight Friday night. And I should have the flesh light installed in the nose of the bike for Craig by then... you can use that too.
  6. You bastards, I haven't even been around to defend myself!
  7. I can't freakin wait!!! AHHHHH!!! Bout to put the new header and front brake pads on now.
  8. Ok, ok.... anything in the 4's and The Murse will suck you off. This goes for anyone, including KTM Brian.
  9. No. You would need to run a 1:04.8 or lower, good luck.
  10. I hate that fucking filter, drives me nuts everytime.
  11. Shiiit, I'll give you + or - 0.8 seconds!
  12. ^Hahaha, oh you little Asian Devil, you!
  13. (Sorry, Brian, you won't be giving any HJ's.)
  14. If you toolbags do 4's, The Murse will personally give you HJ's. I promise.
  15. ^Don't lie, Beaver is of no interest to you.
  16. Yup. Nothing like fresh rubber, shit is addicting.
  17. I'm sitting out Saturday so I can have fresh rubber on Sunday morning! haha
  18. I still can't hear very well today, but it was a fun day. Good news is the guy who fabricated my header is building me a new one this week and should have it shipped out by Friday. Hopefully I can keep up with Craig at Beaver now that he's in the zone!
  19. Haha, good times! You're in so many of my pictures, lol! We should just start throwing down for a CD of one of us and we'll each have plenty of good shots! Just kidding, Marty.
  20. I dread the day when my future prospective employer thoroughly investigates me and finds Ohioriders.net. Holy shit, that would be all bad. But this does not scare me enough to stop the gheyness... I love you guys. No, seriously.
  21. Damn, bro, you just found this out?! You've been missing out! Seriously though, I would be very impressed if you had that bike back together and running by Monday. Get it back together though as soon as you can, sounds like we might be dicin in the races! What races are you gonna run?
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