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Everything posted by Hollywood33

  1. Yeah, and ask Brandon about Jeff Agnes lapping me at the finish line, allowing him to beat me! Haha, good times!
  2. I'm definitely down for this. Sundays are good for me.
  3. Wow, that is surprising. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty happy about taking 2nd in 600 novice, but I think you probably deserved to be in there since the last round was cancelled. Sorry, bud, I know you were really focused towards the end of the season. Good news is, plenty more seasons of dicing for all of us! Congrats to Brandon and Mikey on their respective championship finishes and the rest of the OR crew on a great season! It was honestly a blast to get to hang out with all of you guys this season, and I really value the friendships I've made through motoseries. Now lets not go all winter without seeing each other (I need consistent handies to get through the boredom).
  4. I definitely don't understand the whole quitting because you got bumped to expert thing. I can't imagine quitting a sport I love and am passionate about because I improved and am facing new challenges. This actually makes me slightly angry, but I'll just leave it at that. (And this is in no way directed at you, bobko! haha) EDIT: Damnit, Brandon! Beat me too it again, this is crazy.
  5. I know it sucks since we were kind of led to one understanding, and then the rug gets pulled out from under your hopes and dreams, lol. But you rode great this year and had a solid season and thats what really matters. There'll be plenty more seasons to come. (Oh, and I'm coming for you next year! Wherever you might be on track.)
  6. Oh whatever, I seem to remember you pulling away and disappearing in Race 1 while you grabbed that podium spot!
  7. Hahaha, yeah I was puttin in work for you, Andrew (and myself )! I feel for ya, not really sure why that rule even exists if it doesn't mean anything, but whatever. What Brandon was saying yesterday makes sense though, if Taft scored enough points in only four rounds and we couldn't catch him, then that's on us for not being fast enough I guess. He probably deserves the championship and they should just say straight up that whoever has the most points wins. The only reason to have a minimum round rule is to get guys to the track I guess. Your situation sucks though because you were planning on going to Grattan and would have most likely passed him up, I understand that. Shit I could have caught him too but I wasn't planning on making the last round anyway. Guess I'll take my fourth place. At least I can claim third in the Mini 20. EDIT: Damnit, apparently Brandon hit post before me!
  8. Sorry to hear that, Steve. I'll give you a call here soon. Why is everyone all worried about the weather? It's supposed to be in the 60's and nice on Saturday, and 70's on Sunday.
  9. I swear I didn't tell! Don't be mad at me, I just can't handle that! Ahhahaha
  10. Thanks, man. Let's not forget about my little off though at PIRC, and Cox's at Nelson, and Andrew's at Nelson, and The Murse's at.... shit, every track we've ridden at. Oh, and lick my nuts. (Murse, that's what you get for thinkin bobko is so damn funny, asshole.)
  11. And I'm pretty sure there will still be some guys there that are pretty damn fast... I can think of a few.
  12. Hahaha, I've been waiting for you to come back at me! Bout time. We'll see about that, but yes I'll bring her... as long as you are pullin my front tire warmer and she is gettin the back. Love you.
  13. Listen, half the battle is making it through a whole season, keeping the bike together and not crashing and all that shit. Oh, and not having a baby mid season and such, haha. Don't be a hater... but you can be my bitch Sunday. Oh, and maybe I can run one good race and be considered a fast guy.
  14. Damn, you guys are lame! We're one week out and we only have one page in this thread?! What is happening to us? Anyway, I'm in for the normal race schedule on Sunday. Very well might be my last of the season, so it better be a good one! All you motha lickas are goin down!!! Muahahahaha! Muuuuaaahhahahahahahahahahaha
  15. Seriously though, jbot, you need to get that -1 front on there, it will make a big difference.
  16. ^ Oh, Craig to the rescue... all smooth and shit.
  17. Yeah, that front sprocket nut is a huge pain in the ass to get off. You just gotta get a big ass breaker bar and work at it. Basically you can't be a pussy about it.... which is why Jinu will never get it off.
  18. I'm -1, +2. But the stock gearing on my bike is notoriously tall.
  19. I also catch an upshift there from second to third.
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