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Everything posted by Exarch

  1. May or may not have been race related this we will never know, but we do already know he was profiling him regardless.
  2. Well I hope the old man gets life for 'having the fortitued' to confront some kid he had no business confronting in the first place. I for one hate nosy people, people need to mind their own fucking business. I do my thing you do yours, just cuz you dont know.me doesnt mean I want to be a part of your business. As Ludacris would say. Stay the fuck.out of my biznas cuz its mine. And as ive said b4 curiosity killed the cat. So I hope that old creep gets everything he deserves.
  3. Doesnt matter if he made his presence clear are not he was still following(stalking) him. For all you know he could of made his.presence clear by harassing him(which is usually the case in a stalking incident) From PERSONAL experience- I was 15 and walked by 2black guys(pretty common since I lived in the projects at the time) they made some racist comments to eachother as they were walking by me(whatever, I was used to it being the only white kid in the projects) then they turned around and started following me making harassing comments(again I was used to this in the projects) so I just ignored them and kept walking. They ended up following me for bout 1/2 a mile staying about.10ft back the entire time and hazing me the entire time. I came to a crosswalk and stoped cuz.there was traffic, so they come up to me and start asking me where im going, what a white boy is doing in the projects, how much money I had and whatnot. I just ignored em until I tried crossing the street and one of em grabbed my shoulder and said who said we were done talking to you. At that point I was scared, so I reached for my pistol(I know I said I dont like guns but ya when I was 15 I sold weed and lived in the projects so I always carried heat on me) but as I was reaching for my pistol a car rolls up to us(some of my buddies) and tells those guys to leave me alone(they were one of my buddies cusions) so nothing ended up happening. Point of.that experience? Just cuz u 'look like you dont belong someplace' doesnt mean ur up to no good. And 'if your following someone, even announced' probably means your up to no good. Now would I of shot these 2 guys if my buddies didnt roll up? Who knows, but ik glad it turned out the way it did. If I had been black or Martin had been white neither of these incidents would of happened most likley. Dunno if anyone has heard of Mt crest, but thats the place were this happened to me.
  4. The old man had no right to do anything except call the cops(like a normal person) if he felt this guy was a threat. I sure as hell know I wouldnt approach or ask someone questions I thought was a gangbanger and I sure as hell wouldnt stalk them, thats what cops are for. I suppose people with an age gap are gunna have a difference of opinion. I see old creepy stalkers as pedobears, crackheads, muggers. I see a black guy with a hoodie on walking around a neighborhood as some loser with no car walking to the mini mart to get a white owl so he can blaze up.
  5. :+1: ^^^^ I dont see how this seems to not make sense to alot of people ^^^^
  6. I wear my hoodie at night, tends to get cold and windy. This is no reason to follow/stalk someone. I know if some creep was following me I would consider it stalking and no I wouldnt ask him politely why he is stalking me as I would assume he is up to no good. That old man is just creepy and he seems to me like he was the one looking for trouble. Hell if that fuck was following me and I had a knife or gun ide pull the shit out for my own safety. No one has any business approaching someone in the dark after stalking them, thats just asking for trouble. You say the kid was lookin for trouble cuz he said somrthing rude or whatever to the old man? Well shit I would too, ide threatin his old ass that of he didnt stop following me I would fuck him up. Now im sure you know, as you eernt born yestersay, that people who stalk other people are usually up to no good. and even if the old.man wasnt up to no good how would u feel if he was stalking you? Put yourself in the kids position(walkin down the street) then put yourself in the old mans position(creepy stalker) which would make you feel safer? Im sure you would feel safer being the stalker not the person being stalked.
  7. ^^^ gl finding someone, personally I hate cnc(2y experience) very boring job. If it.wanst for that fact ide probably apply for.this, well that and its NEO and not SEO
  8. Actually, since he was VISITING his dads fiance that would make him a visitor not a stranger. the old man was quick to jump the gun(pun intended) instead of taking the time to figure out why this.kid.was here or try to initiate small talk to find out more info.. Im sure he would of seen alot more of that kid around every now and then if he didnt kilo him.
  9. O.O this is your gf not your wife were talking about. In that case you better he sure she is the one, especiaply since the other kid isnt your biological daughter... the next girl you get with might want kids and this could be a dealbreaker... So make sure YOU want it done and not your gf wants it done in this case.
  10. Personally I wouldn't recomend it, but I know a few people that have had it done and they would recommend it to anyonw. its a personal choice that both you and your wife have to agree on, and you both better be.100% sure you dont want any kids or anymore kids if you already have kids. This isnt a thing you just decide to do over night, so just be prepared before making your final decision.
  11. Im not gunna stir up shit here so this is my 1 and only post on this topic. Seriously.... Being detained for having an empty holster? I dont get it, nor have I read the artical to try and understand it. Its not empty holsters people should be worrying about, its people trying to conceal a weapon and accidently flashing it that should set off an alarm. Now even if thr holster wasnt empty it doesnt automatically mean he has intent to use the weapon, infact ide feel less threatened if I knew someone had a gun they wernt trying to hide. Like I said, im not 100% sure on the detaios, but people are too uptight and even though I dont believe anyone should have a gun outside of their home or on the range other than bring military or a cop. he shouldnt of even been questioned about the empty holster in the first place.
  12. When does being a visitor constitute being a stranger? People are nosey, hell I live in a private neighborhood where apparently everyone knows everyone and everything that goes on except me me... I know maybe 5neighbors and my 10 inlaws houses and I could care less who comes in and around the neighborhood aslong as they arnt doing anything wrong. Although I always yell at the teens walking around swearing left and right.cuz we have alot of little kids around, other than that I keep to myself... We all know the saying curiosity killed the cat....
  13. Why complain about snow? winter totally missed Ohio this year... even if it snows now its never gunna stick, just be glad the riding season never ended(for some atleast) and for those that didnt ride Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb atleast u got to ride early.
  14. Your case.in point comment was referring to.the fearing for your life comment. I dont always read everything, especially since I was playing soduku and trying to somewhat keep.up.with.this.long ass fast moving thread at the same time. Anywho, night yall.. Im home now and gunna watch.a movie.
  15. I know what I was getting into as the other person was being bashed that had the same views as me. Idc, I dont hold grudges, but of others do thats on them. This whole thread is moreless argumentative and it is expected that someone with different views is going to be the outcast. I totally get that and m fine with it.
  16. Nope, I still got 40minutes till I get off work and this is keeping me plenty entertained I could give a shit less bout what happens to who as my opinion doesnt matter.... Hell none of our opinions matter here as much as some people want to believe their opinions matter
  17. I was referring to the 'when you feel your life is in danger' I just now read post 136, im not sure what u were getting at with the whole acting like an idiot with a gun issue.cuz I was talkin bout the guy without the gun, not thr guy with the gun(I think lol, too laZY TO READ What i.typed))
  18. Case in point? Seriously? Umm nooo.... Not case in point.... Someone almost hit my bike yesterday on woodman cuz they wernt paying attention, I felt my life was in danger, so does that mean I could of pulled out my glock and poped a cap in her ass?? That whole 'i felt my life is in danger' line is a crock of shit. Hell my buddy got a gun pulled on him by soke.dumbass at bw3s lastyear in Huber. My buddy took that fuckers gun and beat the tar out that guy. He could of just as easily shot him with the gun he took, but he isnt se pussy ass bitch who has to kill someoje cuz his life was in danger. Also he was properly trained to deal with situations like that(12y MC) although the guy my buddy was with threw his eallet on the ground and ran like a bitch. I wasnt there for this incident, but im pretty sure its true cuz there were quite a few.witnesses.stating.what happend. I dunno what I would of done, I was takin a shit at the time. But MY CASE IN POINT is your.case in point is wrong. Most people dont kill other people cuz they feel their life is in danger, otherwise there would be dead bodies everywhere...
  19. I spell like I am on a phone, typos and all :shrug: sorry I dont backspace everytime I see a typo. Not like I can just right click fix or get a red squiggly if I type something wrong.
  20. Not what I was getting at, but boring is better than dangerous. But what I was hinting at was if everyone thought alike(followed the laws/rules) like normal people we wouldnt have situations like this. Sure everyone does something theg arnt supposed to do, hell I speed everyday, sue me im guilty of that. But we cant just pick and choose which laws to follow, granted some are redicilous.... But laws are there for a reason, I dont know how crime started in the first place, but if we had capital punishment crime wouldnt be what it is today. You steal you lose a hand, you kill someone you get killed. Society wants to be civilized, but see how well that works? America is too lenient on major crimes and too harsh on petty crimes, our society is so backwards. How the hell does someone get life for.being an accessorie to a crime(just for being a driver) yet the person commiting.the crime only gets 20years and the other person that actually was inside the place(also an accesorie) walks away Scott free? Cant remember which case this was, but it was pretty recent(in the past couple of years) and hell child molesters and rapists get off light too, hell they even get protected in jail/prison...
  21. My phone was acting up and I had to send the message without finishing my post
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