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Everything posted by nautical1

  1. Me too..but I don't remember needing attention and posting it online.
  2. I can agree with that. It seems like now a days people live at home until they're in their mid to upper 20's and blow money on toys instead of trying to move out and start life on their own. I also think the perception that everyone needs to go to college is crazy, just because someone has a degree doesn't mean they're a good candidate for a job. For some jobs I do think college should be needed but more often than not I don't see the reason why you'd need a degree for certain jobs. That's my take on it anyways.
  3. I found it kind of entertaining since I have a wedding coming up this year and this is exactly how I see it. My fault.
  4. nautical1

    bbc in us?

    ^ I was skimming through this thread on mobile and misread what was said until I read back through it while on the laptop and I just forgot to edit it. And I'm not sure if it's normal but a couple sites were airing the newest Top Gear episode early on Sunday.
  5. nautical1

    bbc in us?

    The UK Top Gear is 80 minutes long? I've only ever seen the 60 minute ones streaming..
  6. nautical1

    bbc in us?

    Or finalgear.com has the episodes for download pretty quickly. I think they have episode 2 already on their site, according to the main page. There are other sites that have it available for streaming already as well.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eryxAcsTcOA
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