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Everything posted by nautical1

  1. Was this someone on here from the ranting section about ninjachic?
  2. I've never seen this statistic before so forgive me if it's been posted, but I figured this is for all those who blame guns.
  3. Well here's a huge "wtf" for the day. It's a video of a Nicaragua teenager talking about how he screws chickens. I can't make this shit up..It's not nws but it is very weird. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=494_1355234987 I guess you could say he is literally "choking the chicken".
  4. Not much funny stuff happens at our xmas party but last year a bunch of us drank too much and passed out after going home around 4pm (started at 12) and one guy passed out in a movie theater with his girlfriend. I fell asleep at 430pm and didn't wake up until 830am the next morning which pissed my fiancée off since we were supposed to Christmas shop. Another guy also drank a lot and started telling everyone, including the owner, how he was arrested in the past for robbery with a gun or something along those lines. That was a little awkward. One guy the year before also poured alcohol on the floor and lit it on fire in front of everyone, but it was cement flooring so it didnt do much. There were a few good stories but I don't remember much more than that.
  5. nautical1

    Beer Pics

    Had one of these the other night.
  6. Stupid phone is acting up and won't let me post any pictures properly.
  7. Ha what a failure. My fault for posting without going through all these pictures, I'm several pages behind with no time to look at them all. I really made that statement because of all these post dumps that take forever to go through yet half of them are reposts. I understand some here since, as seen above, I do it too, but not every 3rd picture. Oh well I guess.
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