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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Went to like 6 gas stations and none had ice. I am drinkin a krakken and coke right now with no ice at all, and it tastes like absolute shit.


    I hope everyone without power has it turned off for another 3 days, just because. Just throw ur damn food away peons. No need to buy all the ice just to save your 3 boxes of hot pockets and freeze pops u fuckin jackasses.

  2. 122,346 Customers out in Franklin county? Shit I am glad its you guys getting fucked for once!


    Jelly? U clevelanders are permafucked with everything. No jobs, bad sports, flamable bodies of water, etc.

  3. Lost power Friday. Aep saying everyone won't be back on till NEXT Saturday. My neighbor is disabled and they won't even take his calls. Really sucks.


    Tell him to get on his jitterbug and dial up the attorney general.

  4. I have a new moen shower valve leaking (leaking from the shower head). Its one of the temperature select ones, has one lever, I believe the cartridge inside the valve needs replaced. I also believe it requires a puller to do it. The model is called "banbury".


    Anyway, Id like to get it replaced. I threw away the box, but I have the receipt for it. I am planning for the worst, meaning moen won't warranty it if I don't have the card. I just want it fixed ASAP. Let me know.


    Also, whenver we lose power, our 3G (AT&T) basically disappears until we get outside our house.. Any suggestions on that?


    first world problem

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