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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Long story short, my buddy lives in a trailer park and the owner of the park cant seem to enforce his own rules properly. 2 of the rules they have are, no pets over 30 pounds and no parking on the street during the week without a permit that you get at the front office.


    Problem 1: the lady that just moved in behind them has a huge german shepard, 120 pound dog easy. Now they wouldnt care, except there are no fences between properties, the lady told them the dog was vicious towards children and she doesnt even keep it on a leash when outside. They have complained a couple times to the park owner, only to get told nothing was going to be done about it.


    Problem 2: my buddy calls me up and wants me and couple other friends to come over for a cook out yesterday. We head over and stop at the front desk, only to see a big closed sign in the front window. So we headed on back to my buddies place. After being there for maybe 20 minutes, some lady drives up and just lays on her horn to get our attention, and proceeds to just get nasty with us and tells us she will have our cars towed if not moved immediately. After having a little "debate" with the lady about it, my buddy just got tired of it and told us to park in his yard lol.


    Now my questions is, i know they are rules and they can tow cars since roads are private property, but seeing as they refuse to handle problem 1, could they be facing some reprocussions if they did tow our cars? I mean we couldnt even get parking passes anyway.























































  2. Can somebody else please post what temperature it was today? I didn't notice it was hot out when I walked outside until I pulled out my phone and checked facebook.
  3. Can somebody else please post what temperature it was today? I didn't notice it was hot out when I walked outside until I pulled out my phone and checked facebook.
  4. Can somebody else please post what temperature it was today? I didn't notice it was hot out when I walked outside until I pulled out my phone and checked facebook.
  5. Dead honest I would not be suprised if there are a few who try. Arm enough stupid/crazy people and anything is possible.


    its how this country was started, amirite? that kinda talk these days will get you labeled as a domestic terrorist.




    I have a great idea for how to fund this lets cut military spending a little bit. Do we really need to be able to successfully win multiple conflicts at the same time when we don't even have ONE major conflict within our boarders (CURRENTLY)?


    Also helping other humans is supposed to be human nature. If that isn't your core thought process I suggest you reevaluate your belief system.


    Fuck other people. In the grand scheme of the universe, you and I are insignificant specks of nothing.

  6. I sure hope for your sake cheap online well pumps aren't like cheap online alternators/water pumps/ etc. The well pumps I see at TSC are closer to $300ish, but I don't know if they're any good. Add a cheapo craigslist pressure tank + controller and see what happens.


    yeah its not like anything depends on it. if it blows up, oh well, lawn doesnt get watered. its not like im not gonna be able to take a shit or take a shower.

  7. A pressure tank is a big round tank probably around the size (maybe smaller) than your hot water tank. One of the well lines will go into this. Also you should have a well control box on the wall near the wires. Mine has a 220v line to the breaker box, and another to the pressure switch on the water line. It sounds like you're missing some parts, but the expensive one is the well pump if it's toast.


    ive been finding well pumps online for like around $250.

  8. So is the pressure tank still there? I know lots of people who get city water and leave their wells hooked up for exactly what you want. I bet it was abondoned for a reason.


    If you'd like to jump some power to the wires and see if something happens I'll come over, sounds like a good laugh at the least.


    i dont know what a pressure tank is. i think there was probably a mandate to move to city water at one point. i know my parents were forced to about 20 yrs ago when we lived in blacklick.


    reynoldsburg says you have to abandon the well if you hook up to city water unless you pay some stupidly high yearly fee for having a non metered water source hooked up. :dumb:


    LOL fee. Its on my property, come at me, city. errr.... township.


    It's prob cpvc correct? Got to home depot and look for shark bite couplings. They just slide one and will join copper and cpvc.


    i used sharkbites on my shower. i am fairly familiar with em. idk what cpvc is, i am thinking some kinda equivalent to pvc.


    this is true for most city water providers. its because they don't want to risk having the well water contaminate the city water with your shitty well water. if you do hook this up and get caught Gabe there are some serious repurcussions i believe.


    0 fucks given. the sources will be segregated. and if you are talking about the runoff from my well going to the sewer, consider this: you have people like SWMBO putting her nasty piss and period blood juice into the same sewer. i think that is the least of their worries.

  9. First question, why is there a well and is it still good? As for the plumbing they make some really neat connectors at home depot, just go to the plumbing aisle and you will see them, they connect PVC to copper, you just have to know the OD of the pipe. As for the electrical, how far is the connection from your elect box?


    The well is there because I bet they were forced at some point to go to city water. The box is across the room, but there is a smaller secondary box closer, like 10 feet away that seems dedicated to the water heater. It may have been used at one point for the well, I don't know.


    As for if the well is good or not, that's a risk I'm willing to take. I have no idea if it is.

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