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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. nothing? in this case the couple was married and chose to raise a child and for the past 14 years those decisions were jointly agreed upon. the point being she's a stay at home mom by joint decision so now since there's a divorce, the husband can't just up and leave her to fend without continuing the income level and life that she once had simply because. the obligation to provide the lifestyle she's had for the past 14 years doesn't end just because the marriage does.


    I'm saying if she has a job making decent money. Say that guy was making 90k, and she was making 50k. If the woman got alimony, that would be horseshit.


    You can't do that. Judges, especially in Ohio will have your ass and you will still owe her the money if it takes the rest of your life to pay it back.


    I would leave the country in that case. Who's saying I wasn't going for a lower paying job that more suited my aspirations? I would assume the alimony can be adjusted lower. Some people can't sustain their earning potential, and I'm sure its happened before, intentional or not.

  2. its kind of like collecting unemployment for cooking and cleaning. and it usually has a rider attached that takes it away

    if you get remarried.


    Fuck that. I would sell all my shit, bury the cash and file bankruptcy. Then start working for minimum wage.

  3. Was supposed to go 285 on squat tonight but I got 2 reps in and was not feelin it. My form is kinda shit, I'm not goin low enough. So I dropped it back to 245, and made myself go really low. It felt hard, but a lot more productive then goin 285 and only partially down.


    I feel like 10lbs progression per session for squat is a lot, seeing as I'm not trying to be a body builder. I don't see myself ever needing to squat more than 300. I also feel that if I don't go up the 10 per session, I am cheating the session.

  4. No bro you got that all wrong, you bowling ball shaped ape.


    2011svt i suggest you try this workout.




    Curls in the squat rack

    shoulder press


    Curls in the half rack

    Push downs ( bent over, gotta incorporate them shoulders)

    Pull Downs

    A few quick mirror posses ( look around first to see if anyone is watching)

    Set up for dead lifts 315#s to start (walk around for a few, put on some more weight and then leave it.. act like you just lifted 500lbs like a boss)

    Slam a bro-tein shake... yes bro-tein ( 100% more bio available than protein.)

    Walk on the treadmill @ 30%incline while holding onto the handles @ a 2 speed


    Dont forget to do them crunches before you leave.


    this workout sounds like a lot of broscience but i give it a 9/10. man is aware.

  5. you defiantly can be deadlift more then 190 if your squat is 265

    just put a little effort in it.


    Agreed. I am just increasing how the program told me to. Maybe ill bump it up some extra next workout. Does a person typically deadlift more or less than their squat?

  6. I started the "ripptoe starting strength" program and started eating big and clean. I feel like I spend most of my day eating or preparing meals, and a disproportionate amount of time working out. I don't even feel very tired after the workouts, not to mention they are ony every other day.


    I've cut back my eating by one meal per day, and my workouts feel a little harder, though not super challenging.


    Here's my numbers:


    Bench: 190

    Dead: 195

    Squat: 265


    I am increasing arm lifts by 5lbs each workout, and legs by 10lbs each workout. My knees feel like the weakest point in my squats. I feel like I could be lifting more in dead, and my bench feels ok.

  7. man I HATE those sinks that are above the top. They look cool but you can't slide shit back into them like toothpaste and shaving cream or whatever misses your face


    Agreed, plus they are too fuckin close to the wall. I am takin em out the first chance I get. They were the gf's idea and I said it the whole time "they. are. too. fucking. close". Now I am stuck w shit that I am pissed off with, and don't want.

  8. updates:


    Bamboo down, dirty in this pic:




    9 foot vanity, no mirrors up yet, light fixtures may change, just had to get something in quick:



    Porno tub revived:




    Vintage wallpaper goin up:




    More to come

  9. Updated pics:


    Kinda blurry, but you can see hes got some more meat on his bones. Gained 12lbs in the first week I had him. I think hes up even more now:




    Staring down a deer in the back yard:




    Bein funny, wedged almost under the bed:



  10. Only thing better than a Weimaraner is two of them. We had 2 brothers and they were awesome dogs, very entertaining and very obediant and protective.


    They are great, id love to have a whole pack of em!


    i have a visla, if you dont end up keeping him please let me now. my parents are looking for a friend in the house. these dogs are awesome and have a one of a kind personality.


    I think we will end up keeping him, but if your parents are interested, there are a ton of rescues right now.

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