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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. I'm having a sleep over at Wagner's parents house :lolguy:


    I'm such a cheapskate, I was contemplating sleeping in the truck friday night at some rest stop before Wagner said he was going.


    Wow just what you and wagner need, another excuse to get drunk and dryhump eachother on someones lawn.



    Srsly lollin hard.

  2. Through the wonders of technology, anyone.


    For you, probably the cops.


    That's sounds mildly racist. If I said that, id be banned from here to winnepeg.

  3. I started the "ripptoe starting strength" program and started eating big and clean. I feel like I spend most of my day eating or preparing meals, and a disproportionate amount of time working out. I don't even feel very tired after the workouts, not to mention they are ony every other day.
  4. No shit? That job has had me considering switching branches.


    Lolol no. I am sure I could do it though. If I were to do it, I would go officer and be an air liason officer. Read up on that shit...

  5. Yeah they are no cake walk. They are super anxious. For example, I closed him in my laundry room and he ate the trim off the sides of the doors and ate through the first level of drywall in their too. He didn't do much better in the crate.


    He will need someone who can be there for him most of the day. It is possible that he just may need full range of the house.

  6. got a call from a local vet who i have a good relationship with and they needed a home for a dog that came into the animal shelter up on morse road. he packed his hobo bag of goods, doesn't even have a name, and moved in.




    per previous owner, we think his name is shadow (responds to it too). he is probably 25lbs underweight, but will look REALLY good when he fills out. he will probably be an 80ish lb weim, which is big (not the biggest ive ever seen though). his energy is high for how much weight he is down right now, and he will be an absolute beast in a month or 2.


    anyway, just posting him up here. not sure if i am going to keep him or not, I am simply the quick fix at the moment. fostering is great and he is great, but the quicker he gets placed into a home (could end up here permanently), the more I can take on if he were to leave. if you are interested in the breed, i would suggest reading up and not taking any of the character traits lightly. they are all true. almost all weimaraners that i have known or fostered act almost exactly the same. great animals albeit misunderstood sometimes.

  7. Basic training is summer camp compared to that.




    fuck you Gabe seriously. i thought my whole job line was deleted off my profile my bad.



    thats really a low ball asshole.


    i just call em as i see em

  8. About Paul



    Well i am Awesome


    On the water.



    Year/Make/Model of vehicle(s)

    2012 Accord GrampsEdition

    First Name


    How did you hear about Columbus Racing?


    Why do you want to join Columbus Racing?

    for the bitches!


    dude you are not in the military. if you were, i would deem this acceptable. but to claim an MOS/AFSC/Job code without doing the AIT is the equivalent of lying.


    i had an acquaintance once who joined the military, was issued a CAC (military ID), and then never went to basic. several months after this occurred, I ran into him, and he was using it for military discounts, and also telling chicks he was in the military.


    don't be that dude paul.

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