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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Join the military (national guard), obtain TS clearance and make shit tons of $ contracting yourself out.
  2. Before you take him to court, invite him to mediation. If you cant get your dispute resolved in mediation, or he no-shows to the mediation and you then take him to court, youll probably win, no question. I took a former employer to mediation, and he showed up with my paycheck that he had been refusing to give me. http://www.fcmcclerk.com/dept/court/files/FCMC_Small_Claims_Mediation_Brochure.pdf
  3. Anyone got one that I can borrow?
  4. Ive got one. But honestly the real ballers own Mountain Hardware jackets. Just got one at Dicks lastnight: http://www.mountainhardwear.com/images/productImages/OM3344-010x.jpg
  5. The title of this thread has double meaning now.... thanks Bengals.
  6. wasnt this thing in FS a few months ago?
  7. This was a kind of "nobody gives a shit" game. Kelly left, I believe Pike is leaving too. At the beginning of the game Pike looked like he really didnt give a shit by the expression on his face.
  8. hairspray because it helps them slip on, and when it drys, it sticks.
  9. Easy there Lorraina Bobbit. This isnt what I would classify as a situation where you would wanna engage in close range combat.
  10. Because he's claiming the car of a dead forum member is his, and puts it on Youtube for the whole world to see? AMIRITE?
  11. I love run on sentences. Makes for better readability.
  12. +3 on the offroading. I would also like to take this time to request a footrace forum. I would sponsor such a forum section, as it is a viable form of racing, and a wholesome activity all can enjoy regardless of age, race, sex or level of intoxication.
  13. Last activity today on CR: 1:00PM
  14. Hmm. Last activity at 3:48am on his acct. Mark if this is true, you are fucking retarded.
  15. I see my "End of Society plan" thread has left you desperate and needing firearms. In this case I offer you a 1967 Winchester Model 94 30-30 for $9 million dollars. PM for my paypal addy.
  16. I wonder what weight loss one would realize after quitting high fructose corn syrup.... hrmm.
  17. That knockout was redic. He had it coming though for talking so much shit.
  18. http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/juggernaut.preview.jpeg
  19. I heard Spice was sold off, and failed under the new ownership. I think also that the original owners are buying it back...
  20. With the advent of speed trading, the next financial collapse is expected to occur within a 5 minute span of time. At that point, your paper is worth nothing.
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