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Posts posted by RHill

  1. 29 minutes ago, NinjaDoc said:

    :yuno:  why why why you guys tempting me soooo much,......idea is already churning up inside this crappy mind..... dammit .. now I am hoping I am working that weekend so I can have an excuse not to do this. wont know until later.



     jester I would gladly accept a lift from you.. but you gotta let me pay for gas.

    how strict is N2 about gear and bike. I only have 2 piece leather but have boots and gaulet gloves and approved helmet, If too much preparation for bike I would skip it. don't want to flush change coolant and pull fuses etc.

    Copy/paste screws up the formatting so here is the manual:


    page 16 is their gear requirements.

    Coolant info is on page 20.  Advanced it the only group required to change.....which IMHO should be advanced and intermediate.

    Pulling the headlight fuse is more out of concern that the light will get hot and melt the tape/glue into the lens....only takes a minute.

  2. 1 hour ago, 330racing said:

    I question this and am really looking for input.  Not being a dik about it.

    How does track riding make you a better/safer street rider.  You don't have the traffic, bad roads...etc.  I could see a class dedicated to street principles, and good old fashioned practice/riding with more experienced rideas, but track instruction form cocky instructors??

    Not trying to make this street vs track, but I'll say most street riders have absolutely no idea what their brake systems are capable of in a straight line, let alone trail braking or emergency avoidance.  The track forces you to gain familiarity with the brakes to go faster. 

    In the end, seat time makes you a better rider; eliminate hazards & variables and the benefit of that seat time will be even greater with less risk.

  3. 52 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

    This is the part I don't get. For the same money or less I can take off into mountians on a weekend and get a cheap hotel room and enjoy the scenery and different surroundings. Not going around the same corners over and over again. There is no doubt it's probably fun but I just don't thinks it's as nice as touring and being on the open road. Everyone has different taste and likes I guess.

    It is all just preference really....I really love pushing myself and cutting time, doing that on the street is just asking for trouble.  Even though it ends up costing A LOT more once you get hooked on the track, it is just something you cannot safely do on the street. 

    I like relaxing, cruising and just "the feeling" of riding, but I can get my fill of that in 4 laps following/leading a slower rider.

    The open road and seeing/experiencing new environments is something I REALLY miss about street riding....eventually I'll get something touring oriented to get back on the street.

  4. From the website:

    "Free paddock camping available on the following dates:
    May 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd
    June 12th, 13th, 18th
    July 3rd
    August 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 31st
    September 4th, 5th, 6th"


    Just got off the phone with them(everyone there is so nice and responsive).  If you are just doing the trackday Monday, they will let you in after 7pm Sunday.  That seems to be the norm at this point, showed up early to a prior event and the car/bike had to sit at the gate till 6.

    BTW advance group is about half and intermediate is about 2/3 full.

  5. 31 minutes ago, DesmoDuc said:

    Ryan, the last part of your sentence above sounds ominous ... you OK?  bike OK?

    The 750 took a shit on my NYST dreams. Got 2 decent sessions to learn the track; then the engine sporadically would have no power on roll on.  I believe it was the electrical connection to the secondary throttle valve actuator; which is fixed, but I'm still hesitant to assume it is completely corrected.  My plan is to put the 600 together and take both to the next couple track days.

    NYST is my Eleanor.....missed out on two PERFECT days and drove ~14 hours to be frustrated by a mechanical.

  6. 1 hour ago, what said:

    Everybody there was friendly, even if they were assholes about it. If you know how to take criticism constructively then you'll learn a lot. That said, if you do something that's seen as dangerous you will get reamed for it. I made the mistake of looking behind me to see if another coach's group was catching up and boy oh boy did I get it after that session. Don't take things personally and learn from your mistakes and you're good. I can imagine the track gets all kinds of yahoos doing stupid shit so the best thing to do is shut it down quickly. 


    1 hour ago, 0hi0 said:

    Sorry, no excuses for anyone being a asshole at a track. The organization needs to make money. I'd say there was 1/4 of the instructors being assholes. 

    If your in the sport it's because you have done well at other things in life. No one needs belittled. And no one goes to the track to hurt anyone or crash. 

    Sorry you got your ass reamed about looking back. Many people do the same thing all the time. Ever see qualifying practice? Hopefully you weren't on the race line when doing such? 

    I was counseled about lifting my visor one turn before pitting in on a red flag. Almost lost my biscuits, but calmly walked away. Mid-Ohio needs to do some serious evaluation on Coaches. 

    Again my opinion. 


    Everybody has their own way of wording and approaching things....with a little adrenaline going, it is easy for things to get misconstrued.  I'd hope that if anyone is being a legit asshole and spoiling someones day; it gets taken care of so it can't happen again.  At the same time, IMHO, anyone and everyone should feel free(and the need) to bring up potential safety concerns. If nothing is ever said, nothing is ever learned, and the issue will repeat until it becomes a real problem.


    • Upvote 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, 0hi0 said:

    My evaluation happened when the rain came. Bikes started to go down. I did get the bump, but seeing THE most expensive bike on the track go down soured me going another session. 

    I still had a good time. Ran into Mark,surprised he remembered me from the endurance days. Met some great people whom I introduced them to Ohio Riders. Plus riding arguably the most storied road course on the east coast was an awesome experience. 

    Well, at least the bump is taken care of for the next time out.  Can honestly say, I'll never ride Mid-O in the wet again, one time(crash) was enough.  The track really is amazing; it's too bad the traction is so dependent on outside conditions.


    2 minutes ago, 330racing said:

    RHill:  agree on the cheap track bike...not in my plans.  

    Disagree on the toy comment : I am not broke, but still not going to be a "good day" if my "toy" is burned to the ground.  

    A day involving a crash(me, you, friend, or complete stranger) is "not a good day"; a day involving someone getting hurt....that's a whole other level.  Not pretending that I would sit there and smile at my burning bike if I was OK, a crash isn't a good situation in any case.  Just saying a binned bike vs a hurt rider; I'd vote for the binned bike even if it was a one of a kind.  From a $ perspective, an ambulance ride costs more than what I paid for my bike(not including goodies).....so yeah, if there was a choice between walking away and it burning, there would be no hesitation.

  8. modular helmet is questionable based what track/group is running the show, not sure for the Mid-O rules.

    Mid-O has always had great food and I haven't ever attended a day where they run out.  Bring a small snack to get you going in the morning....they have had coffee the last couple days I've attended(maybe I just missed it before)

    Bring plenty of water/Gatorade and literally down at least a bottle between every session.

    "what would you change?" nada.  But I will say, speak up if you have any questions, comments or concerns.  Get the coaches input, tell them how you are feeling on track and listen.....especially if they are critiquing(as ego shattering as it can be).  The saying "ride your own ride" still applies to the track; don't get rushed picking up the pace just because someone else is moving a bit faster...even if it happens to be your CR.  Track time is about learning and expanding your abilities; going fast is a byproduct.  Pace yourself, get comfortable, figure out where you want to be on the track(lines/apexes), then slowly pick it up.


    1 hour ago, 330racing said:

    that "crashed" thing is why I'm keeping my ass off the track.  Insurance frowns upon wrecking your 16k bike at a racetrack and will deny the claim....

    For a non-experienced trackdayer, taking a mint $16k bike to a trackday is like handing the keys of a $50k+ car to a 16 year old and telling them to go to it.....oh yeah, ignore the speed limits and go as fast as you want too.  Your buddies want to "race"???? Sure, go right ahead! 

    There are plenty of CHEAP track bikes out there.  If you are worried about insurance or the cost of repairing the bike after an accident, you are focusing in the wrong direction.  My bike could burn to the ground in an accident....as long as everyone walks away after, it wasn't a bad day.  The bike is a toy.

    There really should be a bike rental/trackday program sponsored/incentivized by insurance companies.....that is, if they had any actual interest in preventing bike accidents.

    1 hour ago, 0hi0 said:

    Nope! Was very frustrating. I like to feel and figure things out. Get some rhythm. Then go ask for help on corners I can't figure out. I felt micro managed and couldnt get a comfortable. 

    Basically I'd get one lap then drop behind other students. Get another lap then drop behind other students. Frustrating

    Sorry to hear about your experience....you end up getting the bump or did it start raining before the evaluation?

    With novice group, and starting with unknown experience levels, they have to start out very mild and slowly work up .....if not, people would get sucked into turns and be crashing out of novice left and right.  I know when I was in N with MotoSeries; after getting past the nerves of the first 2 sessions, I was bored until the leapfrogging 5th session, then for the 6th and 7th we really picked up.

    • Upvote 1
  9. fun fun fun

    pulled the airbox off and hit the kill switch....the svta jiggled around, but didn't actuate.  Weird!  I had already checked this the first time the airbox came off.  Hit the killswitch a few more times while stressing the connector...could disable and enable it with very little pressure.

    Quick google of how to fix it, popped it apart and re-soldered the connections and reinstalled.  First time I only soldered the one connection that was visibly broken.  Put it back together and it still didn't function.  Pulled it back apart and re-soldered all 4 connections, works now while applying pressure to test it..

    Hoping that was the issue, but I have a few other things I want to take a look at while I've got everything apart.  I've been getting a C49 code constantly which is the pair valve malfunction.  Tore into the the bike and verified the resistors were correct(20ohm) and traced it all the way back to the ECU.  There is no reason it should be throwing a code?!?

    Printed out the coil resistance info; need to verify that and a few other things before it goes back together tomorrow.

  10. Other thing I just thought of...when running it yesterday(in an enclosed garage), the exhaust fumes got to me much quicker.....this time, it wasn't nearly as bad after running longer and harder.  If it was spewing unburnt fuel before, that could be an explanation....if it is burning now, would make sense the fumes would be a little less harsh.

    And yes, running an engine in an enclosed space is stupid.

  11. Well, swapping tanks didn't seem to change anything.  Not trying to make a big deal out of changing the tanks; I'm just frustrated grasping blindly at straws trying to figure this out.

    I'm starting to wonder if swapping the plugs and ensuring the coils were seated corrected the issue....firing up easy everytime now, but it is also heated up.  Rolls on smooth, but if I snap it open there seems to be a moment of hesitation.....could have been there before and I just never paid attention to it.

    I'm going to let it cool down fully to see if it gives any trouble starting like it did before.  Have to say though, it would barely idle when I brought it home....swapping the plugs and reseating the coils gave it a nice steady idle from the first start.

  12. 7 minutes ago, 0hi0 said:

    In my experience, issue like this could be fuel pump. But I'd make sure tank is clean, fuel filter replaced. Also dump the fuel out of the gas tank and put known good gas in. 

    Just got off the phone with someone who said about the same thing.....guess who is going to swap tanks now....damnit.

  13. Well, after changing the plugs for some old ones, removing the quickshifter wiring and checking over some of the remaining wiring, the issue persists.  

    Plugs looked OK, running rich, but not bad.

    Started up easier(did just fire it up before changing anything to verify it was still being a pain).  When blipping the throttle, there is a split second delay and then it takes off.  Didn't bother taking off the trailer yet, but I'm 99% sure if I putted around, it wouldn't feel good.

    Just checked the part numbers, 04/05 600&750's all have the same injectors, so my plan is to swap them from an engine I have laying around....unless something else clears it up first.

    I don't think it is a clog in the tank pump or filter, because I wouldn't think that would cause instantaneous blip lag.

    At a loss and getting more and more frustrated.  Any input or ideas are greatly appreciated!

  14. 1 hour ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

    Did it feel like it had only dropped one cyl or more like a total failure? Single cyl might point to c.o.p., or maybe single injector failure but not likely. Sounded to me like you went way lean all the way across the bank for a little while.

    Rolling around the pit, just a single cylinder for sure.  On track, in the video, I initially thought I had lost it all, but it didn't throw me forward like the bike was trying to bump start itself.  Had a loose ground once; it would kill the bike, then bump start, then die, bump start again.  The deceleration from the loose ground was MUCH worse, so I'm assuming it wasn't all 4 cylinders; it didn't feel much different from coasting.


    Might just be coincidence, but the two time it happened on track were both left hand turns


    1 minute ago, Bubba said:

    Not gonna claim to be know-it-all when it comes to modern FI bikes, but while you've got her unbuttoned, you might do a comprehensive check of your electrical connections and the major ground points for the wiring.  Could be something like a loose ground strap or oxidized/corroded/burnt connector in the loom wreaking havoc with your voltage to the ECU or pump.  Just a thought.

    I'll have dive into that a little deeper.....checked continuity on all the fuses and some connections, but once the tank and airbox are back off, the search will continue.

    Did notice that my Power commander TPS light comes on when the tank primes, but turns off after.....then comes back on after the bike fires up(and moves with the throttle like it should).  Not sure if it is suppose to turn off if the bike is not running.


    Only FI code that is being thrown is the PAIR valve, which I disconnected and installed resistors in place of, but it keeps throwing the code.....same code has been thrown for the past 6 months with no issue.

  15. I've got another fuel tank/pump that I can throw on......have to swap the gas out that is in the tank though, been sitting for over a year.

    Plan to check & swap the plugs out with the ones from my 600, probably swap the tank after....just so I'm only making 1 change at a time.

    Earlier in the day, putting around in the pit, it definitely had a miss going on as well.

    Really hoping it is just a coil that is just sitting on top a plug or some other stupid thing.

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