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Posts posted by ScubaCinci

  1. if you r wanting airflow, the RF1100 flows alot more air than the qwest.

    the qwest is a quieter though.

    I've read that; however, the Qwest is basically the same helmet as the RF-1100 but with the vents altered for optimized airflow with a more upright seating position (according to Shoei) which I have on my Z1000. It's for sport touring/touring whereas the RF-1100 is more sport posture oriented. Can't be worse than my EXO...I can't really feel any airflow in that thing but on the plus side, it's pretty quiet.

  2. It's a Dell U3011...not bad for gaming :)

    As for fps, you're right that anything 60+ is preferred but once you get under 40fps, things get juddery (is that a word?)/choppy and relatively unplayable. Obviously, this is an average. For most, anything above 40fps, the eye/brain is sufficiently fooled into the fluid motion illusion and is definitely playable. It varies person to person just like on DLP tv's some see a rainbow effect and others don't.

  3. Not that wikipedia is the authority but...


    Motorcycles benefit from narrow tires with round, canoe-shaped contact patches. Narrow tires are less vulnerable to aquaplaning because vehicle weight is distributed over a smaller area, and rounded tires more easily push water aside. These advantages diminish on lighter motorcycles with naturally wide tires, like those in the supersport class. Further, wet conditions reduce the lateral force that any tire can accommodate before sliding. While a slide in a four-wheeled vehicle may be corrected, the same slide on a motorcycle will generally cause the rider to fall. Thus, despite the relative lack of aquaplaning danger in wet conditions, motorcycle riders must be even more cautious because overall traction is reduced by wet roadways.
    I'm guessing the bike in the news story was a supersport based on the speed. Just a guess :rolleyes:
  4. any legitimacy in people saying that nvidia cards are better (for intel build) because ati-amd cards are native to AMD processors and nvidia is closer to intel?

    None whatsoever.

    Performance of each epends on the application. Some games are optimized for one brand or the other and will obviously run better for the brand it is optimized for. However, anything over 40fps is essentially a waste since it has no discernible impact to the user so if the AMD card runs a game at 70fps and the NVIDIA at 80fps, who the frack cares?

    Performance is also heavily resolution dependent. Lower res employs more CPU assistance and higher res uses the GPU more. I'm rocking a 30" 2560 x 1600 screen running a GTX590 and it gives it a workout even though it's a dual GPU card.

  5. I ordered one...arrived yesterday. I don't like the fit. It presses against my forehead too much. I did a close inspection and the finish wasn't so great either. I could already see a few spots where the color was chipped or worn and it's brand new. It's going back. I think I'll just grab a Shoei Qwest to replace my aging Scorpion EXO400, I know that fits my head shape just fine. I just hope it has better airflow than the EXO.

  6. I don't necessarily agree with this... on bare skin it might suck, but if you got a jacket and helmet, I bet it would be less than painful, and probably not even that uncomfortable...

    Unless you are very well suited up for the rain, it always seems to find a patch of bare skin, usually the neck. I'm thinking that as bright as said rider appears to be, odds are he wasn't properly attired.

  7. I wonder how fast a motorcycle can physically go on a given rain covered surface...

    at some point (i'm betting before 190) the motorcycle tire would just hydroplane and not have any grip to the pavement at all, at which point the drag from the air would stop it accelerating, and likely slow it some...

    ^^^apparently our brains are on the same wavelength today. Better you than Exarch :D

    • Upvote 1
  8. I've never been shot with a real bullet nor hit a raindrop at anywhere over 90mph so I wouldn't know but I sure don't want to experience either one.

    I would think at some point, depending on the severity of the rain and conditions of the road, hydroplaning would become a high probability. In a car, it can be pretty scary but on a bike...:shiver:

  9. SSD still isn't worth the $$, the extra performance upgrades spent elsewhere more than make up for the drive difference, just don't drop below 7.2k and keep your shit defragged(there is an option to do this automatically)

    :confused: Most of the rest of the conscious world disagrees with you. Almost universally, every tech professional believes an SSD is the single biggest bang for your buck upgrade you can do for your PC. With the price of hard drives skyrocketing due to flooding in the far east and the price of NAND flash dropping, this has never been more true.

  10. I may be interested in upgrading my desktop boot drive from an Agility 3. Let me know what you have. Jbot, I was going to post some stuff on here, but my head hurts from shaking it so much at Exarch's posts. I have built and worked on literally hundreds of computers over the years. Let me know if you have any specific questions or want some help.

    I went ahead and just did a 'for sale' thread here: http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=850888#post850888

    Been wanting to put them up for sale for a while but I hate (the process of) selling stuff and have been procrastinating.

  11. For anyone interested I have the following drives and can let go at this time. Note (unless otherwise stated) that these were used for some benchmarking and a few weeks of normal use to evaluate performance. They have been opened thus voiding the warranty. As such, they are priced accordingly.

    All are secure erased an in factory fresh condition (in terms of NAND performance) and come with all packaging etc.

    I can ship or we can meet up for the sale.


    512GB OCZ Octane - SOLD

    256GB OCZ Vertex 4 - SOLD

    120GB Kingston V+ 200 (latest firmware 501) drive and bundle - SOLD

    250GB Intel 510 Series (latest firmware PWG2) with bundle - SOLD ---this one has not been opened (I received 2 of them) so still carries warranty.

    480GB Vertex 3 (latest firmware 2.22) - $450 ---this one has also not been opened (was just a comparo drive) so still carries warranty. SOLD

  12. Speed alone does not constitute Reckless Opp. and is not an arrestable offense in the state of Ohio. Now, if you speed, fail to use your turn signal, and pass on a double yellow line, now you have Reckless Opp.

    Yeah, we might have been doing those things too :o Ahhh..to be young and stupid again. I think I was 22 at the time.

    We have no clue where he saw us but all I know is my buddy said we were doing ~110 and he looked in his mirror and the cop was so damn close to his bike, he couldn't see his bumper. He may have been chasing us for a bit. I had no clue he had been pulled over...at some point I checked my mirror and he was just gone. We backtracked (fearing the worst) and way up the road I could see him on the side of the road with the cruiser sitting behind him, flashing lights and all. We quickly ducked down a side street and waited to see what happened. After the cop left we flagged our buddy down and that's when he gave us the news :mad: I never did go out and ride crazy like that again though.

  13. My friends and I always agreed on ”I don't know, met him at a stop light and we just started riding”

    That's what I told the guy who got nailed. However, we were doing 120+ on some roads so jail time was justified. Plus, it was the Saturday on Memorial day weekend (five or so years ago) which meant he would have been in the slammer for the 3 day weekend before he could see a judge. The fine was $80 each, so not a big hardship by any means.

  14. Unless you plan on doing manual overclocking and/or doing very CPU intensive stuff (i.e. video editing, folding,etc) the i5 is the WTG. Also, the stock heatsink is just fine if you aren't doing what I described in the first sentence.

    As far as mobo's go, there are few stinkers anymore and most of those are just fine, just don't overclock very well. Stick with ASUS, Gigabyte or MSI and you can't go wrong. Just make sure they support the features you need/want (i.e. USB 3.0, SATA III, etc).

  15. Bad idea. Had it happen once where I was in a group and a guy was pulled over in Georgetown OH. We were exceeding the speed limits by quite a bit. Basically the cop told the guy, give me the names of your buddies or I'm hauling you to jail. He spilled it and when we caught back up to him, he said the cop instructed us to call the dispatch and have him come out an give us each (there were 4 of us) tickets or they would issue warrants for us. The cool thing is he only gave us tickets for improper lane change where he could have nailed us for MUCH more.

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