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Posts posted by ScubaCinci

  1. The rear handle sticks out and becomes a trip hazard. Don't as how I came to this realization.

    BTW, I have some realtively cheap stands and the first time I used it on the rear, the prongs of the stand scratched my swingarm because I didn't have it aligned just right and did a piss poor of it (my first experience with stands). Afterwards, I dipped them in some plastidip to mitigate that sort of thing happening in the future. Not sure if the higher end stands had scratch protection on them or not. If not, this is a nice tip.

  2. Funny yet insightful


    ...I don't know if it's something in the perceived image that mounting a slightly narrower than normal vehicle makes you more of a man, or a tough guy, or a reckless daredevil, but traffic hates motorcycles. Not only hates them, but possesses a rage so intense that murder is the only solution. Other drivers will tailgate the crap out of you, regardless of your speed, and that's kind of a bigger deal when, y'know, you don't have a tail or a gate. So there's a several-ton steel box traveling more than fast enough to crush you to death in a nanosecond, and its operator has decided that his safe stopping distance is "up your asshole." And there's no way to make him back off, either. He's comfortable there, inside your asshole; he shows no signs of moving. He's going to make a life up in your colon -- hell, he's already planting a garden and having his mail forwarded there, so you better get used to him...
  3. Must be the same people who engineered airplane seats to have the recline button placed right in a spot that your thigh rests against. Therefore, it gets pushed at inappropriate times, reclining the seat so the flight attendents have to chastise your for having your seat reclined at a time when it's not allowed. But I'm not bitter.

  4. does that mean you work for anandtech or something? (lol, can you tell i'm a computer nub yet?)

    also, how many times do you get asked "will this run diablo III lol" per day?

    Legitreviews.com actually

    lol...I'm constantly hit up at work about computer shit....word gets out.:wtf:

  5. 1. My name is Joe and I’m originally from upstate NY (Lake George).

    2. I tend to be anal retentive about my possessions and like to keep them nice. As a result, when I was a kid, I never really played with my toys in the dirt. It pains me to do mods/upgrades/farkles when it requires permanent changes (i.e. drilling out or cutting things). I’m not a clean/neat freak though. Go figure.

    3. When I do things, I usually go all or none. I’m just wired to always give it my best.

    4. I’m not much of a drinker but the times when I do, I tend drink heavily (see #3). I’m not really fond of hangovers which explains the first sentence of this line.

    5. I do computer hardware reviews for a rather large website, focused mainly on storage (SSD’s, hard drives, etc).

    6. I have a degree in programming and database design but my current job has nothing to do with all that (which may change very soon).

    7. My wife is Jewish and I’m just going to hell. Actually, I usually say she’s Jewish, I’m Joeish.

    8. I’ve visited every continent except Africa and Antartica and logged over 100 dives across every ocean except the Arctic & Southern (around Antarctica).

    9. As a baseball pitcher in high school, I had the lowest ERA in NKY (1.24) and only won a few games because the team SUCKED. I struck out 14 batters in a game and we lost by 8 runs. WTF

    10.I plan on being retired by 55 and well on my way there.

  6. One of the rider's family members came in the store today to pick up his car. I was asked to make this statement.

    The rider is resting in the hospital recovering form a dislocated knee and torn/detached ligaments. The rider does not have any broken bones. The rider is expected to make a complete recovery.

    Good to hear...thanks for taking the time to update and clear up any misinformation.

  7. Happens with cars too. I had a BMW Z4 M coupe for a few years and people would always say "nice car man". Like the OP, I never knew how to respond other than "thanks". There aren't a lot of coupes around so people always took an interest. The best is when they would say, "I bet that thing is fast". Ya think? :wtf: I still kick myself for getting rid of it, it was a fine machine :nono:


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