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Everything posted by turnone

  1. That thing looks so cool. Not just for adventure riders, but racers could use that to keep the bike safe and secure. Everything but the price $449!
  2. I do want one. Not enough to have over my scooter and definitely not to race. Fun toy and around town bike.
  3. At best it would be Grom class in 2015 if a rule change gets passed. I keep saying Grom is not a good race bike but no one seems to listen (as usual). If there is a class then would it be spec class or lots of mods?
  4. I also have Harry's and an extra Bluetooth GPS receiver with better accuracy than just the iPhone. I didn't like risking my phone. A cheaper iPod would make me feel better. About $130 so far plus phone or iPod. So Harry's can add up as well.
  5. I don't know the answer to that one. I'm so new at them. The Ducati one gathers the info from the electronics = easy. The GPX has so many inputs, but you have to buy the sensors AND hook them up. I think speed and location will be a major help. The rest will just be minor.
  6. I really want to attend the WERA event at Roebling mid march. You sure you guys don't want to all switch to Feb 8-10? It's sooner than March, therefore sooner until we ride. I'm very excited to test out the 1199 after a bunch of mods this winter. I'd love to meet up with you sometime.
  7. I would definitely buy one. I paid around $400 for mine. I bought off this forum. Didn't need the 8 channels but that's what was for sale. Ducati DDS is more integrated and I paid less, but got a hell of a deal on it from my dealer. The mapping on any of the GPS units seems to be the way to go to get better. I'm excited to use it.
  8. I have the gpx8. Haven't used it yet. Got the mounts worked or for my CRF250R, aprilia rs125 and Ducati. Will use it at jennings in Feb. Should know more then. I will compare data to the ducati DDS and see if they match. So in summary, I don't know shit. The Starlane gps looks very cool and can act as a dash unit. Depends on your needs. I bought the GPX 8 used for a decent price or I would have likely bought the Starlane.
  9. I'm out. Or I've shifted to feb 8-10. March was too close to wera roebling.
  10. I may let you stay in front for a few laps just to smell the beautiful smoke. Depends on the brand of oil you run. I was going to upgrade but just gonna stick with the 250 baby thumper. Should be enough for most of the competition.
  11. Sumos suck. Everyone knows that. Bring those damn Tards out to OMRL this year so I have some competition.
  12. The only people to get fucked was the Germans. Bought them and sold them for a 20 billion dollar loss in under 10 years. Saving factory jobs in America is/was a good thing even if I don't buy American cars since the 80's. There has to be larger issues in your life than this. No?
  13. I fully understand the concept of DV. I just never considered it to be what the insurance policy covers. Unless it says it's covered I'd be surprised if they would have to pay for this. Not saying it doesn't happen, just saying I never thought of it as covered.
  14. You will find many other countries where you can be sued much easier for libel as compared to the USA. Of the freedoms we expect, this one remains strong.
  15. We used to call this shit luck. It's a fine line between greed and being made whole. I never considered insurance to maintain a cars value as much as to repair it after it's damaged. I'm not sure what I would do.
  16. No one has to apologize. America has amazing free speech rights.
  17. Hard heads who still think it's free speech issue.
  18. How many fish sticks are we talking. Or was that a euphemism for flaccid penis?
  19. Selling my motorcycle trailer. http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mpo/4252951980.html $2000 OR price. Cash only, no trades. Chris
  20. I like the discussion and especially when people call out bullshit with facts. Lots of people think they are right and hate to be proven wrong and it's human nature to overlook facts that support opposing viewpoints. We should all try to see our own bias and strive to be better people overall. Otherwise the doomsday prepper's may get their wish.
  21. I'm a fast learner. Not to worried about hard passing. Doesn't bug me at all. Not going to sit in intermediate for 3 days. I'm pretty sure it will work out.
  22. Rule out the electrics for a while. I was so excited to see them run at Indy MotoGP. Loved the nerdy technology. Talked with one of the racers for a while getting my queations answered. Race bike is about $30K plus spares and that gets you a bike that is 10-15 seconds slower than a comparable gas burner. Found the racing to be very boring. I was surprised how much the sound matters to me. I would think it is fun to ride and listen to the rubber on the road. Road bike will have same limitations as current cars. Limited range, high cost, slow recharge time. Look forward to progression of the tech.
  23. Signed up for expert all 3 days. Likely do the first session intermediate since I've never been there. Signed Kristi up for novice all 3 days. That's part of her Christmas present. Looking forward to it. Hope the weather is good. Signed up for all 3 to take the pressure off of riding every session. Won't mind I sitting one out to help Kristi or to rest.
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