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Everything posted by silentcropduster

  1. I use to get the rc cars/trucks from Radio Shack back in the day (I was 15). I think my rc car I had would do about 30-40 lol. It was crazy fun. I'm considering asking Santa Claus for something like u have for Christmas lol
  2. Ollie's Bargin Outlet in Westerville has Monster Cable brand HDMI, RCA, and component/composite video cables for a whopping $3.99 new egg has a deal on 2x Roku 2's http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=15-328-008&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10440897&PID=3668349&SID=
  3. agree 100% - if you wait till you hear the shot - your already dead. It's a shiity situation all around for both parties though.
  4. Radar is re-calibrated yearly (sent into a professional company), calibration is checked before shift start and directly after every citation to ensure nothing happened to radar in time between...or at least thats the way I was trained. 2 MPH over is pathetic. I'd of gotten shiity about that with the officer. While he was wasting his time to pull u over, I bet someone blew by at 10+ over.
  5. Lol Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4
  6. Thursday bump Starting to book weddings for next season. If you refer someone to me and they sign a contract with me - I will give YOU $50.00 CASH! (or PayPal whichever u prefer)
  7. Fulltime at Chase, part time cop, was kidding about McDonalds lol sent from double thumbin' it
  8. 4 words....Iron Pony demo days....
  9. sounds like you've done this a time or 5 before haha
  10. My gf and I were wondering the same thng about using the same material over and over. Some of it I'd say 60-70% was pre-planned, but the other...I think he just pulled it out of his ass...he was picking out random people and getting random BS from them to talk about. I was at the Saturday showing the 1st one. So I dont think you were there. I found him pretty damn hilarious tho - I was laughing my dick off. Some douche bag who had some liquid courage in him was going off on one of the security guards bec they made him and his gf move bec they were sitting @ a different seat then assigned (just to get closer to the stage). I was hoping they'd toss the D bag, but they didnt.
  11. Where were u sitting at? I went w my gf. Dude was funny as fuck. I knew it was going to either be really good or really bad when he got on stage and immediately took his shirt off lol sent from double thumbin' it
  12. http://sellout.woot.com/offers/fieldline-motorcycle-backpack Not sure of quality but for $14.99 it seems like a heck or a deal for a water resistant motorcycle bag sent from double thumbin' it
  13. That's what I was thinking, she's a double bagger for sure. sent from double thumbin' it
  14. I could tell you that 1 + 1 = 2 or that grass is green, and you'd still find a way to try to flame it
  15. Just gonna leave this one right here..... http://abcnews.go.com/Health/video/porn-star-makes-tearful-plea-condom-20304795
  16. correct - it seems that way to the unsuspecting eye - but its not. I work for fraud, am a supervisor. I dont get bonus, no one in my dept does. Maybe I need to try going to collections, however I dont think I'd like a job like that tho - plus IMO it's always a bad idea to change positions just for the $$$$$$ - guess I am SOL
  17. I make that but with no bonus :'( must be nice haha sent from double thumbin' it
  18. Id rather not bet money lol. But o believe ya....just didn't think u guys made that much. sent from double thumbin' it
  19. Yeah like 20 hrs a week every week lol sent from double thumbin' it
  20. collections for Chase and make 60k? Impossible.
  21. I work for Chase in fraud @ the McCoy Center, doubt my job would ever be on the line - computers cant detect fraud like humans can (yet)
  22. I might be down, live in Westerville. As long as I get my new HID bulbs in the mail and installed by then - bulb went out
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