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Everything posted by silentcropduster

  1. I havent ever rode around 270 until now I usually take the twisties but i was merely giving it as an example for a longer type ride, i really started to notice how uncomfortable my seat really is.
  2. florida orange...google it. and your one sick fuck man - possibly more twisted then I haha - you should be proud of yourself lol
  3. I just paid it off and after new sprockets, chain, oil, filter, etc. I'm feeling kinda cheap lol. If i have to spend that kinda $$$ then so be it. I'll just sell some stuff sitting in my closet on ebay or craigslist
  4. Haha how ironic, your dad was just watching me fap & then give your mom a florida orange lol
  5. only if it involves your mom and dad
  6. too bad for u that its a girl lol
  7. Idk if i can justify spending that type of $$$$$$$
  8. I went on a ride around the enitre 270 loop in cbus. I did have a passanger but I damn near couldnt feel my ass afterward. Being that said, Ive been looking at options on getthng the seat a bit softer. So far this is the cheapest one I cna come up with: http://www.amazon.com/Airhawk-Seat-Cushion-Small-AH2SML/dp/B003RFCH74/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3Q4XO3VNRL250&coliid=I1JUA45LD2IFWF The only negative about it is I believe it will raise my seat height a lil bit. Anybody else have experience with this cushion? Thoughts?
  9. I see what you mean and btw I dont think u own enough bikes!!
  10. Mr B. pull your bottom lip over your face and swallow! lol
  11. I guess my MPG doesnt suck soo bad compared to others lol
  12. Idk y but i wasnt following this post lol? ANyhow Im a cheap ass I didnt want to spend more than like 50-60 on some deent gently worn or barely warn boots. I can afford to but the wife (g/f) will not approve. If I cant find something good used ill sell some shit i have sitting in my clset and justify buying new that way
  13. Just seems low to me, I thought it should get in the mid 50's lol
  14. I've been doing a lot of riding lately, I'm getting about 175 miles (give or take) on 3.7xx gal of gas = 47.29 MPG. Is it just me or is that horrible? Sprockets are stock spec (15T x 44T I believe), air filter is K&N and was recently cleaned, haven't checked plugs, but it purs, so I doubt it's that, bike has 21,xxx miles. Driving habits: I let the engine temp hit 100 oF before I even move it, and I'm very easy on it till it hits about 130+ I do some "spirited" riding but usually I shift @ about 5- 5 1/2 RPM. Also when my speedo claims I'm going 80 MPH, if i look over to a car next to me (happened on more than 1 occassion) their speedo says 70 MPH, being that said that actually makes my MPG even worse. Shouldn't my MPG be better?
  15. Yeah, I think im going to buy a compact 1911, that seems like the best option lol
  16. I wheel mine into my apartment and use a microfiber cloth with some Mother quick detailer and to get the wheels clean i use WD40, works like a charm!
  17. I have thought about that too, but then when i take my coat off if im going out somewhere like Easton mall etc...that wouldnt jive either
  18. SO pretty much if i do carry a 1911 w a lwb holster its either going to make my side go numb or it pretty much wont work lol
  19. Hello boys and girls, I have a Serpa CQC holster I use. This one: http://www.amazon.com/BLACKHAWK-Serpa-Sportster-Holster-Glock19/dp/B0014VVLRA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1370725579&sr=8-1&keywords=serpa+holster It is NOT comfortable to ride with. What does everybody else carry? Any insight is highly appreciated. Thanks!
  20. im down if we can meet @ IP :-) ?
  21. I'm going to bike night @ QSL tonight in cbus, i know its 2 hrs from you but there will be like 300+ bikes there & u never know, i'll keep and eye out!
  22. Hello, Looking to buy some boots, size 10-11 new or gently used. Please msg me on this thread or PM me. Thanks!
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