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Everything posted by silentcropduster

  1. Ive thought about this but cant find the cost for it on their website and also who installs it ?
  2. Would lowering it a measly half inch mess with the handling ?
  3. I get off @ 8pm. I live by IP, can meet some peeps there after work. Anybody interested??
  4. I was wondering that too, I have an 05 Suzuki SC 650S and i need it lowered like 1/2 an inch
  5. Can we get a visual aid to better the description? ^_^
  6. I resent your comment, I work for Chase as a fraud investigator, and I only stare @ a computer for about half the day
  7. sell u mine for on hundred million doll hairs ? lol Saacattack - dads bike looks legit - clean and very low low miles, go for that, im sure theyd be willing to haggle, plus it has farrings. All you'd need to get would be an aTRE, and a ram mount to mount ur GPS/cell phone, then you'd be set :-D
  8. I bet they drop you after your claim is closed, bec thats how they are, I'm sure u were going to GTFO anywho thou lol
  9. your a day and a dollar too short (late) lol but I am going for a ride again tonight, I get off of work @ 8pm, you down for a ride that late? If so i can meet u somewhere or at my place or yours etc.
  10. The deer are afraid of me, they run the other direction!
  11. I refuse to believe that no one is down for a ride tonight!!
  12. I'd of given them a pat on the shoulder with a hammer (before the cops got there)
  13. Indeed they are, they are the best priced i was able to find on the north end of cbus, that arent in the ghetto (cleveland & 161ish).
  14. I was so damn confused when u aid avg 20 mph, i thought it was a joke, then i realized its on a BICYCLE lol
  15. haha we commented the same post. Anyways, The Cove at Cooper Ridge off of Cooper Road has 1 br's for like 650, its not the cheapest, but the apartments are nice and very clean.
  16. I have my own DJ business w about 20k invested, this is why I'm crazy scared to rent a storage unit! I would be out for blood. Did they find who did this ?
  17. someone has tried to steal ur bike in the passed i assume ?
  18. What does that have to do with you, have kids i assume or?
  19. Hello, It's a nice day out, with a 20% chance of rain for Columbus, OH. I get off of work at 8pm and was considered going for a 1-2 hour cruise. I live on Cooper Road by St. Anne's on the north east side. Anybody care to join? PM me if so, thanks!
  20. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=jansport+bookbag#/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_16?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=backpack+with+waist+strap&sprefix=backpack+with+wa%2Celectronics%2C146&rh=n%3A172282%2Ck%3Abackpack+with+waist+strap your prayers are now answered
  21. i haz a blue 05' - great starter bike, and u have a decent price, glws
  22. It's ok I didnt even go due to moving to a new place, being tired as hell, and being frustrated with life lol
  23. Mark, is it wrong that i can still eat and read this at the same time?
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