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Everything posted by silentcropduster

  1. I might go on a ride tonight after work, pending the weather (30% chance of rain), if anybody would like to join? I'll probably go around hoover or take a quick trip down town and back.
  2. While riding by Hoover in Cbus the other day I had an itch on my face, while speeding up from a light. Well it was dusk - little did I know - i flew into a mess of mosquito's @ about 35 MPH. Pretty sure I swallowed one and 4-5 got inside my helmet. I then hit the brakes faster than a twinkie at a weight watchers meeting.
  3. holy crap, nobody? lol I have yet to put picks of it up but geesh it's well worth $50
  4. It works for me like 90% of the time, the issue i have is sometimes it has me going in circles if the outlay of the road is tricky. I'd like to attach my phone or GPS to my bike somhow w/o having to pay like $50 for a mount. I had to replace my clutch perch on my bike and the clutch perch came off a different bike that had the mirror u screw into it. Well my mirros dont screw into my clutch perch so I'm going to see if my uncle can rig somethnig that I can simply screw into the perch and attach my phone w tip ties or something lol
  5. I highly agree with you. Your brain does take over when you feel that you are in situations where you are at risk - maks you tense up. I'm not so quick to admit this on here - but I am a cop - only part time, but still do the job. I've put myself in situations running code and have given myself the "pucker factor" quite a bit haha. I personally am fine on a bike - im not an expert, but I have put 5k miles on my bike in the past year and a half. NO ONE should ever give you shit for being extra careful - in a bike u dont have air bags or crumple zones like a car - you are the crumple zone & the air bag!
  6. I have yet to ever ride hocking, i haz ben there once to stay w my gf in the cabins - but i agree it is nice and curvy (take that however u want lol) My main issue riding that far is my limitations when it comes to my sense of direction. I dont have a way to hook up my GPS or phone to my bike so i cant see where I'm going. SO I have to put my phone in my coat and I have a pair of Bose In Ear's w noise cancelling - which works great, but sometimes google maps on my phone is half retarded. How do you guys go about attaching a GPS or your phone to your bike? I know it kinda depends on your bike, but I have yet to fig it out.
  7. My SV def limits me from a comfort stand point. More than 1 1/2 - 2 hrs riding and im in pain!
  8. You have almost triple the engine I do haha, but I do weigh like 200 lbs less lol
  9. Riding down 315 (w no traffic) is decent, but deer suck. I rode around Hoover tonight, which was nice but it took me like 30 mins to clean my helmet, stupid mosquito's!
  10. 08 Concours 1400.....ur bike is freggin 1,400 cc's. Mines a whopping 650 Anyways...how often do you ride?
  11. damit i haz to work Saturday @ my other job, shitballs.
  12. shit idk how i missed that thread! anybody live in the Lewis Center area?
  13. Who all do we have in Cbus area?? I'm always looking to go for a ride every chance I get & as long as the weather is good!
  14. I know I saw that one,id buy it too - but its in UT
  15. I gotcha - i haz a car forum meet saturday, but im free friday and at some point saturday, i live in lewis center and would be willing to meet up with you, ill PM u my cell
  16. The yellow one? lol She refuses yellow man - I tried haha.
  17. Bought it used for my gf off of somebody on craigslist. It's all black textile with liner and all of the padding. Condition is 9 out of 10 IMO I'm at work but can add pix later if need be!! asking $50 please PM me with ?'s Thanks!
  18. Bought a jacket for my gf that did not fit She needs an XL. Prefer textile, and HIGHLY prefer black. Please PM or msg this thread, thanks!
  19. What do u do at Chase? I also work there (here) in 4L.
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