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Everything posted by slingingchic

  1. BRILLIANT! I am on it slingingchic34
  2. haha! Dang it! oh well... But yeah what the hell! Are they that stupid?
  3. I really wish I knew what they were saying... this cracked me up! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/19/sex-toy-confused-for-mushroom_n_1609510.html?utm_hp_ref=world&ir=World
  4. They may not have the same benefits as he does now... He enjoys having a chic come up to his work and cut his hair.
  5. You let her ride with you? I haven't been aloud to ride as a passenger for awhile now, I got the 'what if we crash... we both go down' 4 second talk. Maybe she will spark interest in riding soon.
  6. Officer's should be setting the example http://handsfreeinfo.com/category/state_cell_laws
  7. Miami county is a whole different type of assholes. I got pulled over for speeding by OSP and he saw a bottle of Midol laying on my seat, he picked them up and was asking me if I was taking illegal drugs... they push the limit and when I get mouthy to them I land myself a ticket and threats! Fuckers! Im still pissed he reached in, grabbed them, and tried to open them. If I were to get pulled over now, I'd just silence the phone and put it in the side of door or under the seat. Pepsi.. though, they track us on our iphones, they see if we are driving and using cell phone, that alone will terminate us. Yet they will call knowing we are driving and then compalin we don't answer.
  8. This reminds me of Dazed and Confused " throw the bowling ball"! I use a post office box , I'm sure that if we had a mailbox all of my husband's mailbox damaging karma will hit us more than a few times.
  9. If I'm ticketed for texting at anytime, I no longer have a job!
  10. With the lime as a wheel? I'm gonna have to practice on this one lol
  11. Yeah I know they're not pictures.
  12. Happy Birthday Ohio Riders....enjoying the ride so far
  13. Lol hey I get into a non stop mode. I set a reminder for it tomorrow.
  14. I think Anden should run too!
  15. Damn! Tomorrow! I forgot all about it and today I even asked myself why the hell do I have a Sharpie stashed in the trailer! Lol
  16. Good luck.. we were looking to buy a house next year but the husband wants to switch jobs and make less money. Go figure I recommend stick with your job even after you buy home, Ohio sucks ass in the job market, never know what's going to happen unless its reputable company, more money and you don't mind starting from the bottom again.
  17. We can make it! Just saying
  18. here's some info that will make ya itch some more... http://www.squidoo.com/How-To-Get-Rid-Of-Silverfish
  19. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little!!! WTF! I quit eating fishy type shit since I saw a PBS special with Hawkeye from M.A.S.H explaining all the bacteria worms in the ocean floor LOL (that has been along time)
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