(And also do wheelies down the back straight in Novice group... But I digress.) I'm of the opinion that if you're in A group and there's no contact during the pass, it's fine. And I'm not (yet) a racer, just mid-to-upper A group track day dude. The "wingspan" goal is absolutely good to aim for, but as has been noted, differences in lines and brake markers can sometimes make that unattainable. It's just my opinion, but I think once you're legitimately up in A group, you should know how to check up a little bit in a corner if somebody passes you a little close. You should also realize that if somebody is passing you so easily, you're probably doing something wrong, and could benefit from trying to follow the dude who just passed you. At MO after the AMA round, I was on track when Ulrich was testing the EBR. He passed me a few times (of course), a couple of them fairly close. There was one in Thunder Alley right around the bridge that made me sit up a bit and think "HOLY WOW!" but it wasn't unsafe, just close and fast. You'll have that between an AMA Superbike and an 8 year old track day 600.