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Everything posted by CephasGT

  1. Very, very sad. I really hope somebody picks it up. I really wanted that track to succeed.
  2. News story says "vicious dog" means that it barked. Maybe. If this happened to my dog, in my yard, and I was home, there'd be a dead cop to bury, not just a dead dog. That said, nobody really hops a 6' privacy fence during a chase...
  3. Didn't something very similar happen at a fast food joint not too long ago?
  4. I work on several desks full of monitors. One of them has 6 monitors with three computers, all on different networks. I kinda dig it. Feel like the dude in Swordfish. In other news,
  5. Yeah, lots goin' on 'round here. Only time I can really play online is at night, anymore. But at least you got to see how absolutely bad I am.
  6. That is horrible in every conceivable way. It should be euthanized.
  7. That's the thing, we make a whole lot of things from scratch. My wife bakes as a hobby, so most of our breads/biscuits/etc. are made by her from scratch. She's rather offended by the thought of mixes, actually. She even makes her own taco seasoning. I agree that there are problems with some of the organically labeled stuff at the grocery store, but we do our homework and get the best we can find. We also get eggs, chicken and beef from my brother's farm when it's available. That'll become easier as their farm scales up (he's bringing it back from the edge of disaster from his in-laws.... long story). The garden will be starting this coming year, so that'll help, too. Anybody know of a good coop in the Dayton area?
  8. Our number does include a small amount of incidentals, but not much. Since we grocery shop mainly at places like Dorothy Lane Market, Earth Fare and the Commissary (surprisingly large organic selection there), most of our incidentals don't interact with the grocery shopping. Plus my estimate is based only off our "daily use" credit card, so it doesn't count cash food expenditures. I figure the cash/incidental trade off is basically a wash. But I can say that our food bill is still less than the mortgage, so that's something...
  9. I was just running some budget analyses from data over the past six months for us. Over the past couple years, we've started making a pretty strong effort to buy local/natural/organic/small company foodstuffs whenever and wherever possible, for a variety of reasons. But not gonna lie, while I like the health benefits and positive impact the movement is having on the food industry, it's not good for the bottom line. Two working adults, no kids, and we're averaging over $900/month on things we put in our mouths (groceries and dining out, though we do the latter very moderately). We're spending a little over twice the national average percentage of our income on food. So what's the food budget like for all of your households? Are we going a little too crazy here?
  10. I should've said before, I mean the TT 5 miler in Miamisburg. I might be down for that 5k in Piqua, though! The only other race I have planned is a 10 mile trail run at John Bryan on Dec. 1st.
  11. Dude, nice work, 20th! I've been struggling a bit with injuries for the last couple months, so I only managed a 45:52 at the TT. I should be just under 40, all other things remaining equal. Oh well, room for improvement next year, for sure!
  12. Totally bought one of those shirts. Lorenzo>Rossi
  13. Dudes, I dig it. Ordered. Thanks for the link!
  14. Yeah, a bunch of their dudes are just sick. I have no idea how they do what they do with a needle.
  15. A couple friends of mine swear by Truth and Triumph here in Dayton. I've not been yet, but I have plans for a couple pieces by them. And they have a few guys who can do photorealism pretty well: http://tattooedtv.com/justinlee.html http://tattooedtv.com/kevinrotramel.html
  16. Depends on if they run the chicane or not. If they don't, the entrance to the Keyhole can work as well. But yeah. No way in hell I'm missing MotoGP to go to a NASCAR race.
  17. Ah wth, didn't realize it was the same weekend as Indy! That kinda sucks...
  18. HA! Awesome! Now let's see how much tickets are going to be, and if they build any new grandstands...
  19. I'm not saying that's necessarily how it should be, but that's how it is. I'd like to see the AMA at least take on some of the national-level promotion responsibilities, but I don't know what their financials look like to know if that's even feasible.
  20. Untrue. The series selects the venue, and promotion of the event lies with the venue. Always been that way, so far as I know. See the whole debacle with VIR/Big Kahuna.
  21. Kawasaki has tried a few newish tweaks here and there, but I've not seen anything truly new from them any more than the other manufacturers. I'm talking about a generational evolution, like between the 03-05 and 06+ R6s.
  22. Yeah, I get all that, but I also get that a big reason the Superbike event doesn't draw the coin it should has to do with their promotion of the event. I know it may not be the case lately, but for years, the attitude of the owners/staff there was, "we're holding a race, people will show up." It's taken them half a decade of dismal attendance to see the error in that logic.
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