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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. Always a good day with the kids, every smile and laugh just makes me forget why I am having a bad day.
  2. I can not speak for him,but a day without my kids would kill me. As stated before some guys are just fucked, self centered, assholes who think of themselves first.
  3. Thanks again all ran out for 24hrs, been an okay day spent the day playing with the kiddos and watched The Hobbit. Real fun is tomorrow night with the kids at the sitter and drinks with friends.
  4. should hear exactly what he said 'This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. F*** all of you,' Lets see if he is still saying that after they tie him down with a bed sheet and make his ass look like the Grand Canyon.
  5. Sadly I love that 250, have done a lot on it and plan to do more, its just right now she is being a petulant child.
  6. They have an EFI kit and its only $100 more,might be a tempting option with the bike being track converted later this year.
  7. So spoke with the service manager at Ohio Motorcycle today, He feels it is something in the fuel line so I have drained the tank again and I am going to run 87 with Techron added if not I am looking at a $250 carb rebuild with parts at $22 per carb and $99/hr labor.
  8. watch the new clip on this,and he sat there smiling the whole time the families were speaking.
  9. This what happens when parents cannot discipline children,cause we all grounding works so well.
  10. Thanks guys,I'll give more rep as soon as I have more to hand out.
  11. It sucks renewing tags on a bike that doesn't run.
  12. Thank you for this lol I needed a good laugh.
  13. I plan on keeping the bike. I am just and an end on this and feel I am better off sending it to the shop before I really mess something up.
  14. I have actually been looking at this.
  15. yeah I am going to throw the fairings back on tomorrow and just take it to the shop.
  16. and I did try the stock pipe on the bike....made no difference.
  17. guess I am going to eat the $85 for the first hour fee and take it in.
  18. tore them down,pulled the jets,pilot jets,floats,diaphragms and cleaned it all out with carb cleaner. I didn't break anything i handled everything like it was a Van Gogh.
  19. Not after I pulled the carbs yesterday.
  20. I am torn...do it myself or just take it to a shop.
  21. Filter has been in since last season, New pipe 2 weeks ago, still having same issue with new plugs.
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