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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. Kmanlyst


    Welcome to OR, sure I'll meet you at some point riding with Roley.
  2. Thanks Hoblick, now I can live vicariously through your video until the weather warms back up.
  3. If you do plan on riding up how about meeting up and heading out together?
  4. If its over 50 I am riding.
  5. Shhh... don't give them ideas you know we have spies on this forum.
  6. In! I'll drive up in the family Malibu, car seats and all.
  7. I try not too but I have a daughter that likes to click around on youtube.
  8. I might be in for this, just have to get a few things settled with wife starting her new job on the 1st
  9. I ride with a few select guys on this forum, but we don't do it to go out and look cool, we just go and hit the roads and more often than not usually end up in Hocking. I ride often alone as well because it is my way to unwind and forget a lot of the day to day bullshit. I just don't see the point in being in a club that tells you when to ride and who to ride with.
  10. This thread now has my attention.
  11. I think someone got a little butthurt at some friendly ribbing and felt they needed to clear a few things up.
  12. Always a chance that could happen. I guess the plus us she is starting a job finally using her degree and she is being fast tracked to management.
  13. This frightens me because my wife is making a career change to do HR for a start up company that is only 3 years old, offers no 401k, no holidays. I can't blame her through her management position at the dreaded Walmart has taken a toll on her and the family.
  14. I hope April takes its time getting here, I am not ready to see the Psy follow up to Gangnam style that he is putting out.
  15. Nope he is doing what is called shuffling.
  16. Getting up at 8 a.m. means I am up, already ate, had my coffee and planned my route for the day.
  17. Quite accurate, I don't really drink much unless it is a social gathering ( weddings, birthdays) because people with PTSD tend to form addictions easier than most and for me that is my bike.
  18. Well see now that changes everything.
  19. Not if I am in a campsite no where near the evening activities.
  20. Its not money that is then issue, Deals is a huge trip way out of my comfot zone and not having people around to talk to and ease my nervousness is likely to trigger a panic attack and ruin my whole trip.
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