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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. Maybe I shouldn't have posted that part damn lack of sleep, btw wasn't always wealthy just had some luck and invested it wisely.
  2. Dude we are riding down together so you know I am going there, even pulled funds out of the IRA for this and the Deals Gap trip.
  3. I'll be there this year, seeing how ill management caused us to lose the account. 3 years down the drain,thank god for 401K savings and a nest egg.
  4. They are calling for up to 4-8 inches north of I-70 and it may swing south into the Columbus area but as of now we are just forecast for sleet.
  5. Grainger sells the 3M VHB tape, I picked up a small roll for $8.00
  6. There are a ton of track days, but only one epic ride.
  7. And my neighbor,who I have rode with twice, wonders why I never ride with him and this is the exact reason. I have seen him many times ride with no gear. I have seen enough death to last me a lifetime.
  8. Thanks for the input guys, I am currently looking at Putnam and Nelson Ledges for my first few track days.
  9. Thank you for the advice MT, I plan on hitting Mid Ohio a lot this year and I will look into Putnam.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAE6Il6OTcs
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9mJ82x_l-E
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch5MEJk5ZCQ&list=PLOHbM4GGWADc5bZgvbivvttAuWGow6h05
  13. Don't know why the big fuss over this video. The man had a problem,found a solution and went on to ride. We each handle things in our own way. I enjoyed the video for what it is very entertaining cut the guy some slack fellas.
  14. Oh I plan on coming no doubt about that.
  15. And this is the last time I come to read this thread, now to find the damn bleach to burn out my eyes.
  16. Making me rethink this venture there you two.
  17. So glad I don't have a mother then, long story.
  18. Kmanlyst

    Pig Cop

    If he were anything close to a hero first question out of his mouth would have been " Are you okay?" not the attitude he had. Cops one power trips like this guy ruin it for the nice ones.
  19. Not yet MT was just going to go big this year and jump the Grand Canyon.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINl5JY7LhI
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