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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. Hope he gets her fixed, would be a shame to see a beautiful bike go to waste.
  2. his which is the Tricolor goes for 17k used
  3. depends I have seen a few selling between 9-14k.
  4. Welcome to OR....and shenanigans is what goes on here.
  5. so bike will be delivered tomorrow,thanks to dealer flub I also get free gas for a month.
  6. That got revoked when I got married,and they offered to deliver for free so who am I to say no to something for free.
  7. yeah just waiting for them to drop it off wanted to ride it home but my ass was too sore lol.
  8. for your viewing pleasure I give you dumb ass in the red truck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI0Ir8v2VI4&feature=plcp
  9. Yeah I will be posting that video soon if i had not locked the brakes I would have nailed the bed of his truck.
  10. great ride had fun,had an end of the ride bummer hope all goes okay at least he walked away.
  11. This with be the last ride for the little 250 after I get back to Columbus I get to pick up my new baby.
  12. and I am again the outcast lol
  13. You know me I roll out when you do.
  14. I was looking at stepping up after next season thought about the FZ6R but think I am going to the Ninja 650.
  15. Nope just talked some sense in her that there are not going to many days left like this at all and she will have me at home all winter. I think that is a fair trade,and you know I will be in the back I always am on the 250 lol but those roads are getting easier and easier each trip. I will also make sure my GoPro is charged this time.
  16. I wouldn't worry about pace Brandon and the rest are good about waiting up if you fall too far behind. Ride your own ride and have some fun and i will be there for this so if it is just the two of us in the back so be it.
  17. Well was going to make this but as of now my bike is just to take me back and forth to work. My riding season is officially over and if my wife keeps up riding all together will be a thing of the past.
  18. Lets hope Hoblick wakes up in time for this one.
  19. Can't ignor the company issued phone, its a class 2 violation and a final warning.
  20. Sadly going to miss this one,got called into work.
  21. You already know my answer.
  22. I was asked this question by a gentleman at work the other day and I told him: Riding for me is such a personal thing. It gives me confidence, it relieves stress, satisfies my desire for adventure and new experiences. In a way it allows me to show the world and the people in it that I'm my own person, I am capable and intelligent. I am an adventurous rider, and I pride myself on being able to fix my own machine (to a point, but I'm learning). It's my independence. Riding also very much saved my life. I started riding in the middle of a very dark time. It gave me something to focus on. Riding requires so much of your mental energy that there was no room for all the awful stuff and while I was on the bike, I found my real un-sick self. It flipped the switch that made me realize there is so much to live for. To this day, while I am getting better, it is still an escape for me. You can't help but feel happy and excited when those painted lines are rushing beneath you. The feeling that I'm sure is the closest you can get to flying. There's also the "zone". The one where you're so in tune with the machine beneath you, you feel the rhythm of the corners, your body reacts without thinking and at that moment nothing else in the world exists or matters. That's why I ride.
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