I have to admit, this is the most thought out and informative thread I have red on this topic. I'm impressed. And I agree with most all of the comments. Bubba, don't get caught up in the... Will I be able to live with the fact that I killed someone over a $200 pair of shoes, or your wallet. That has nothing to do with it. The robber has chosen to put you in a situation where you have to decide if your, or other's life is in jeopardy. It is now up to you, to assess if they mean business or not. Truthfully, for me, if they have gotten to the point of threatening you for something, they are already past normal reasoning and are a honest & true threat. Drugs today have pushed what used to be normal thoughtful people and converted them into desperate irrational individuals with no respect for life, at that point in time. Also, Never assume if you comply, it will end there. As Steve mentioned above, some people will perceive you as week if you do and will take joy in hurting you for it. That is part of the assessing the situation. If they are polite about the robbery, then complying may be an option, if they seem comfortable with putting you in this situation, you are most likely up the creek if you comply or not. Either way, if you choose to add a CCW to your choice, additional training will help you with how to assess a situation, and how to act if you were ever put into a situation. Good luck!