I always shred the sides of my tires and they have plenty of tread left on the middle. We should swap tires. PS - I usually get around 1,500 out of a rear and twice that out of a front. But I live near the twisties and don't commute.
Dicks at Easton hade a few items. Some 762-39, 7mm remington mag, 40, and a bunch of shotgun shells. Walmart Easton had some 380, 44, 38, and a couple other items.
My guess is, if they have a good lawyer; She will be OK because she feared for her husbands life as 2 people were kicking her husband's ass, and immediately lowered it as it stopped. But he is going to get the book thrown at him for firing at a moving vehicle, with people in it for no apparent reason, other than revenge. It obviously wasn't because he was in fear of his life. They were leaving.
Simple. If you don't want your ass run over...don't run. Many of the vids I have seen, look like the motorcycle slowed to turn faster than the car behind them could slow and the bike was hit. But I have also seed some, like the one above where they were hit on purpose. I any case, right or wrong, listen to Chris Rock.
Figure the distance to get there and back (however you choose to do so. On your own or shared with others). 2 tanks of gas in your cycle. You will need to have good tires. Food and beverages for the day, and if you can't sleep in your vehicle, a place to sleep. Local hotels are pretty inexpensive. Especially if you share it with others.
The more I think about it, I would like this at the track. My neck it too stiff to look to see if someone is on my tail on the straights. This would make it easy to tell if I should alter my line.
I'm a big fan of the Q2s. But if you are on a budget, The best I have found on good relatively sticky tires are the standard Pilot Powers. You can usually find them for $200 a set.
Unless you are full of $$$, I would seriously consider UC. Personally I am an OSU Graduate, and would recommend it to anybody. But I have been to a number of UC Football and Basket Ball games, as well as a number of events and facilities. It is a great campus. There are great roads that start within a 10 min ride too. And if the weather is decent, there is always someone to ride with