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Posts posted by Medina

  1. either legalize pot, or..make booze illegal..wait..they tried that..ok, make pot legal, or make cigarettes illegal. 


    according to DEA stats, 70% of ALL illegal mexican drug cartel money is.....

    pot- yank that and cartels crumble. 

    i dont smoke, haven't since I grew up sometime in the late 90's, I did in the 70's, and guerrilla farmed in the early 80's- got busted and got off.

    its absurd wasting those resources on pot. If you want to smoke and put a wet blanket over your mind..go for it (or drink, or whatever..same rules apply, get behind the wheel and go to jail, show up drunk or high and get fired)

    but go to jail for it? f'ing beyond stupid, take that 7.7 BILLION a year we give to the DEA and INVEST that in inner city schools and playgrounds...assholes in the government...

    almost 8 Billion, and that does NOT include the other end of enforcement- prison, jails, probation officers, jobs lost due to felony convictions, court time tying up cops etc etc etc...guesses say that number doubles..doubles? 16 billion a year? good lord that could do some good-elsewhere-

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yeah..that's what I thought.


    The docs are vouchers for expenditures. Nothing more, nothing less. If you got "DOJ was interfering with the trial" from an expense report voucher, then yeah...troll away.

    If you got "they were there to promote peace and love", continue on. 

    You didn't read that link, or any of the links evidently, but had to put in .02

    then the burden is on me to relink, explore etc.  stay stuck on whatever


    Where does that exist in the doc dump? I'm not saying it isn't there...I'm just asking where it is.


    Before I post any link- I read it. in its entirety. And between packing for the coast for an AM leave and taunting some lib on facebook, dont have time to track it down

    hate those tards who auto knee jerk and forward something post something.

    its in there...erm, read it?

    I could read it for you, but I'd like to go for a walk on the beach first, maybe cuddle  :loltroll:

  4. Are you sure this department's job isn't to STOP violence before it starts, and to mediate issues at rallies like these?


    Are you SURE the local officials didn't ASK the DOJ to come and keep the peace?


    Did you check that out, or did you just spit out something you saw on the blaze?


    Just sayin'

    "spit something out I saw on the blaze"  


    Actually I'm a news junky, surf news on and off. 


    These documents detail the intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman

    the fed, pushing the state to prosecute. NOT to hang out and promote peace. and shit. 


    the trial has been a farce, witnesses for the prosecution saying "hello" to zimmerman, suggesting they felt he was telling accurately what happened.

    the judge repeatedly asking zimmerman if he wanted to take the stand.


    Do you disbelieve anything negative suggested about this administration? Not interested that this was likely a campaign issue for a second term president? those dates......hmmmmm, they happen to line up with Biden or Obama working key Florida state over for votes.

    jus' sayin'



    wow...just wow



    I'd say



    • March 25 – 27, 2012, CRS spent $674.14 upon being “deployed to Sanford, FL, to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.”
    • March 25 – 28, 2012, CRS spent $1,142.84 “in Sanford, FL to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.
    • March 30 – April 1, 2012, CRS spent $892.55 in Sanford, FL “to provide support for protest deployment in Florida.”
    • March 30 – April 1, 2012, CRS spent an additional $751.60 in Sanford, FL “to provide technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31.”
    • April 3 – 12, 2012, CRS spent $1,307.40 in Sanford, FL “to provide technical assistance, conciliation, and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford.”
    • April 11 – 12, 2012, CRS spent $552.35 in Sanford, FL “to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17 year old African American male.”
  6. At the risk of saying I told you so (zimmerman will be convicted)




    Document: DOJ Community Relations Service was deployed to Sanford, FL, “to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old African American male.” 



    DOJ, thats "dept of justice"

    After all, if obama had a son, he'd look like travon 


  7. He's a drop-shipper,basically a middleman, doesn't keep any inventory. His rating is below 97%

    noted. added to the list of edouche bags

    No matter how bad the itch, 99% and up for me. no exceptions.

    those drop shippers should be hanged. Two or three times now I've read, cool, immediate/or next day ship upon payment. check, will send track number check.  payment sent check

    wtf? 10 days from Indiana to here?!?!?? OH, its coming direct from commie town.....


    Purchased a cramp buster from   "inu521"..excellent photo, full sized zoom in view, looked awesome, arrived the thing looked like it belonged on a 1:48 scale model barbi tricycle.

    It was 25mm wide and the molded wrist part that looked like it fit my palm was 35mm wide!!! More like a burr on the grip than a device to help hold the throttle.

    Left neutral feedback-said they shipped fast-shipping cheap etc, accurately photographed BUT deceptive due to size, they sent 4-5 emails bribing me, full refund- including shipping and what paypal charged, they would send ANOTHER one free if I'd change my feedback.....wonder how much of that goes on? 

    Finally I agreed to change feedback if they changed the description to include a size- they did, I did.

    FleaBay, truly Caveat Emptor was invented the day ebay started. 

  8. Ever hear a judge offer up this out of the clear blue?
    "You have the right to testify if you want to," Judge Debra Nelson told Zimmerman on Wednesday. "It's a decision that you alone can make."
    clearly defense does NOT want Zimmerman to take a beating from the prosecution.
    what a kangaroo court
  9. Judge Nelson denied two requests by the defense on Wednesday, text messages that purportedly deal with fighting sent from Martin's phone will not be admissible as evidence.
    why could any text message saying things like "I'll kick a crackers ass" if he messes with me admissible?

    Zimmerman hangs, regardless. Seem both these arseholes had a play in that gun going off, but...I learned not to play poke the bear by the time I was 15, jus' sayin' 

  10. briggs and straton sends a bottle with every generator and pump  [marine stabil the blue, not the red], generac, tra-co racing engines others who build engines say its to protect from ethanol...dunno, I used to have problems with my weed wacker lawnmower generator etc if I left plain gas in there for 4 months..not anymore.

    I think this is the darkside argument, no one is changing anyones mind, its popcorn time, LOL


    p.s. did you know this summer (I think) gas will contain FIFTEEN % ethanol? got a 20 year old engine? be worried

    That sucks, thanks for farm subsidies and idiot politicians, no one will ever convince me turning food into fuel is smart, or efficient 

  11. If you call your local PD and tell them what you are doing I am sure they would run it for you.

    Yup +1, some times your own insurance agent can as well.

    those craiglist ads for machines with no titles, if they wont send you the vin...walk, or better yet, report it. 

    • Upvote 1

    Maybe when the kid gets alittle older we can find something to work on together.



    hehe, thats what changed my life, for the better! got back into bikes after a long break, he's a bit older getting friends, still needs dad, but I can see him eyeing the gate, LOL

    I'm preparing a project when that happens-

  13. and start shopping for someones left over dreams. I see not completed (insert one, bike car truck this that) all the time, and often they've done the miserable work and given up, like titling some oddball etc

    I did a 72 chev step side 6cyl. when I was done 383 stroker beast. enjoyed it a lot looking back. 

    you have to be an obsessive compulsive disorder or it will rust away. plan on 3-15 years depending

    Live, love the journey, cause the ending is anti climatic 

  14. its not about color, being a father, when I read these things, especially where the guy who got shot was not as innocent as portrayed...



    I think he quit listening to his son 3-4 years ago.  And if I read "gated community" one more time, I'm going to riot. 

  15. Seafoam ever dozen tanks, and I'll dump half a can.


    as to additives the ONLY one worth a dam is Stabil Marine. helps with that bullshoot corn they put in our gas.

    this bike is the first bike I have religiously put the stabil (got to be marine, its blue) into the tanks, started with lawnmower, other gadgets, everything is happier.

    car museums run it as well, chainsaw competitor freaks swear by it too many positives, no negatives

  16. I have a green led illuminating my plate, so as long as its not over 21 candlepower I'm good


    I'm guessing........no-

    now, thats not to say how many dozen LEO's have seen it, and didn't care, thought it was lit up well enough etc etc.. but, just takes one stiff necked just got my badge, first time out without a supervisor I dont like this guys (insert one)...



    4513.05 Tail lights and illumination of rear license plate.



    (A) Every motor vehicle, trackless trolley, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer, or vehicle which is being drawn at the end of a train of vehicles shall be equipped with at least one tail light mounted on the rear which, when lighted, shall emit a red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear, provided that in the case of a train of vehicles only the tail light on the rearmost vehicle need be visible from the distance specified.

    Either a tail light or a separate light shall be so constructed and placed as to illuminate with a white light the rear registration plate, when such registration plate is required, and render it legible from a distance of fifty feet to the rear. Any tail light, together with any separate light for illuminating the rear registration plate, shall be so wired as to be lighted whenever the headlights or auxiliary driving lights are lighted, except where separate lighting systems are provided for trailers for the purpose of illuminating such registration plate.


    (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

    Amended by 128th General AssemblyFile No.9,HB 1, §101.01, eff. 10/16/2009.

    Effective Date: 01-01-2004


    I book marked that site from another post in another forum. Its fast, easy to find out whats legal, whats not. Like snopes, its a GREAT argument buster. 

  17. Thoughts? Input? Suggestions?

    first, go for it, I have yet to to break three states in one ride (well, cheated ohio/pa/westva) so something like that is on my bucket list. Skirting the northern border in and out of Canada from Mackinac to Hippieville in Oregon would be incredible. oh hell yes. 

    keys..lived s fla...would be a fun bike run, but winter silly with tourists with their heads (and eyes) up their asses. early early summer would be best, like march before you'd be a strip of bacon, head on a swivel, hated florida for bikes.


    you a member of ADV? Or some other forum like goldwing, supertourer etc where they live breath and drool ironbutt trips? Find one to your liking, join, mingle and likely a safe hook up with a sane person of similar wants- I'm at a couple of those and routinely guys hook up for those long distance trips.

    yes, dont go alone, good gps and a good camera! and use google to map out dealers, vendors etc all along the route, save to a flash drive and bring it with-all that info with no need for wifi. keep a flash drive on the bike with the shop manual in it-

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