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Everything posted by FourString

  1. I'm disappointed with the outcome of the poll. BOOO! I think some of you guys are getting soft. I would build the ever living shit out of that Camaro and go racing. Again, the Miata is all of the 6-speed toy you will ever need. BTW, when the hell can I bring this replacement chair to you? You don't like returning my calls or texts anymore apparently. Because rotary.
  2. The FD is going to puke oil and seals all over that pretty white paint. :gabe: Seriously though, that's awesome. Congrats Joans.
  3. I just read on one site that the first truck on the scene is awarded 300,000 won (~$282) from the insurance company. Interesting.
  4. :masturboy: There are three that I have in mind. Any of the three would do fine.
  5. This could rilly make a nice car for someone.
  6. I'll throw in another vote for the Mazda 3. I have a '13 MS3 and I love it. As for the steering wheel being too far into the dash, it is a tilt/telescoping wheel so you can adjust it however you please. They are fun as hell to drive, and the comfort rocks. I took it to Nashville this fall, and the ride to and from was quite nice.
  7. I actually like the look of the EVOX more.
  8. I have a hard-on for your car. Seriously.
  9. I'm sorry to say that I have no blackbox feedback to contribute to this thread. I just came here to say that if that happened to me... ...I might have pooped a little. Sorry to hear that the dealer is giving you a hard time. Once you get deeper into the investigation, you might want to consider calling higher ranking people if the dealer continues to give you a hard time. They are usually more motivated to assist.
  10. Nice car. I wouldn't personally have picked the auto either, but it's good for what you're using it for I suppose.
  11. Nice! Congrats on being back in the game, Derek. It's a great feeling isn't it?
  12. Good thread. I come from an area where having your food delivered is not an option. Since moving to Columbus, I have always tipped 2 bucks flat since I was unsure of what a good tip is supposed to be. I'm definitely going to tip more from now on.
  13. Oh shit...sweet! Thanks Steve. I just printed that out. I'll definitely use that tomorrow.
  14. I laughed. I'm entertained for hours by bubble wrap, though. Not sure if you consider that a win.
  15. Well, I can (cautiously) rule out #2 since I am the only person who has owned and worked on this car for the past six years. The car is nearly stock except for the suspension, and no repairs have been made to the car within the past two weeks (other than a brake line under the car). I just ordered a new distributor for it, and I will put that in this weekend. If that doesn't fix it, then I will address the ECU and wiring. I will check the ECU for water evidence before I do anything as a precaution. Thank you very much Craig, Greg, and Grant. I will report my findings this weekend after I install it.
  16. Solid reply. Is any one thing more common than the other? I just read that replacing the distributor is the only way to fix an internal sensor as Honda apparently does not sell them separate.
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