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Everything posted by FourString

  1. Doesn't Scotty work up there? LOL
  2. I watched it about five times and I think you're right. In the second part of that clip it looks more defined. It's VERY brief though.
  3. You might want to try a better intro.
  4. Oh wow. Really? REALLY? LOL...try again.
  5. Do your research on the proper ways to maintain your rotary and it will last a VERY long time.
  6. Those are pretty cool videos to watch. I bet seeing the same type of video of the lower rotating assembly would be even more interesting.
  7. The last time I drove a VW TDi, it wasn't even fast enough to get out of its own way. Did they ever remedy that? That car looks clean!
  8. I miss the days when Linn would be in here by now trying to set up a race for $20.
  9. Why does everyone have to pick the "young child" argument? It would be sad if it happened to ANYONE. :dumb: Regardless of gun choice, good for him.
  10. Ben and I were talking about this recently and he made a good point. The first thing I would buy is a new identity to avoid the rogue wave of bullshit that came along with winning. Second? A home(s) in a location(s) of my choosing. Third? A personal trainer.
  11. The title of this thread is quite sad
  12. I'm right there with you, Joe. I don't follow sports at all. I also stopped watching the news a few years ago. Many people give me shit for that. Truth be told, I stay in a better mood without watching.
  13. Is Kevin working on it? I am also curious to know how much this would cost me on an the FD. Berto, that looks MUCH better. Night visibility is probably not even an issue anymore.
  14. I would have punched her in the cunt for trying to pull some shit like that.
  15. Fuck it. I am taking you all down with the Bronco.
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