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Everything posted by FourString

  1. At least your dream car is something actually attainable. I take it you worked on Joe's bike?
  2. FourString


    Sale possibly pending to Putty
  3. Dear god. Ford is stepping up their game so much that it seems everyone else is having a hard time keeping up.
  4. Great car. The 370 has one of my favorite interiors of all time too.
  5. You should hand out the number for your "mechanic" friend. He seems like a legit guy.
  6. FourString


    No interest at all? I will consider a partial trade on an AK.
  7. Speed density. Personally, I would do a full ignition tune up. If you haven't pulled the cap off to inspect it for yourself then you should probably do that. Give that car some maintenance! From the description, it sounds like it could use it.
  8. Sale pending to an RX7Club member. An FD doesn't sit long at that price
  9. I have a feeling it is salvage. The airbag has been blown at some point. The steering wheel has a horrible looking cover on it. Also, like previously mentioned, the front end looks to have been re-sprayed and doesn't look very good, IMO. The price seems to be right though. It's worth what they're asking.
  10. That video is nearly intoxicating to watch. What a machine man.
  11. I have exactly what you're looking for. I have an unopened 4gig 360. Still factory sealed. I will sell it for $160
  12. That looks classy enough for Doc's collection.
  13. "Pull over" stories are always exaggerated. Admit it man, you hung your head and sucked up to him to avoid any chance of a ticket.
  14. That's fine. I could find you later :gabe:
  15. Can I just use my Jeep? Twenty bucks says I can make us both have a bad day.
  16. Fuck all of you. Rotary > All
  17. FourString


    Holy FUCK that was fast.
  18. Oh shit. I didn't know he left.
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