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Everything posted by FourString

  1. FourString


    I can't fucking breathe right now.
  2. It's a respectable car in a sense, but the owner seems like a tool bag. Filming this as a documentary makes him seem narcissistic.
  3. FourString


    I'm on the edge of getting shots. This shit is getting old.
  4. This is sad. He has been one of my heroes since I was a kid.
  5. Yeah, those old Skylines are sexy. I'm a rotard, so I will have one of these someday. (This pic is HUGE) http://www.retro-classics.co.nz/images/wallpapers/retro-classics_wallpaper-08.jpg
  6. I would live in a grey box. I like it.
  7. FourString


    This thread just keeps getting better. LOL When did the state drop the "Reading Comprehension" section of testing?
  8. FourString


    Yep. Sold, and can be locked up. Thanks Putty.
  9. You have a 4L80E in your 5.3 Silverado? How much was that swap?
  10. If the deal falls through then let me know.
  11. Why don't you test drive each of the cars you are considering and choose the one that puts the biggest smile on your face. Driving a convertible is about having fun, IMO.
  12. It depends on the bike. A newer Goldwing? It fucking sucks to work on. A newer crotch rocket? Easy. Old bikes? Also easy. From my experience, working on bikes is easier.
  13. FourString


    Clean DSMs are certainly NOT a dime a dozen anymore.
  14. FourString


    With the popularity of auto DSMs on high increase, this should sell fast.
  15. We have had a Kirby since the early 90s that refuses to die. I don't care for how much it weighs, but it works amazing. In the garage, I have a small 5.5gal ShopVac that has been great to me.
  16. Must...resist...coating...Si...
  17. Okay, but seriously guys...were we ever really on the moon? (runs and hides)
  18. Cool Factor: Through the roof.
  19. I like both depending on the vehicle. A large truck? I want an auto. A car? I want a manual. I own five vehicles at the moment, and only one is an auto. Automatic blasphemy: Miata Wrangler Mini RX7 240SX Any Civic Motorcycles All hell, I could go on and on. Some just SHOULDN'T have autos.
  20. That's a cool find. I don't think the price is worth it though.
  21. :dumb: What happens when you try to wash your grill? I would think that a good soap would soften it too much. I have zero experience with this stuff though.
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